Friday, April 10, 2015

15 Creative And Fun DIY Plastic Bottle Projects


Melting Of Ovarian Cysts And Kidney Cysts By Drinking Juice

Green spelt juice (old type of wheat)

This potion helped many people in strengthening their immune system after treatment of very dangerous illnesses.
What is the secret of the miraculous juice?
The curative green juice from sprouts and spelt leaves does not contain any chemical additives, preservatives, coloring and sweetening agents. “The secret of this potion lies in the curative substances of the spelt, primarily the chlorophyll that enriches the blood with the oxygen and stops the production of cancer cells. Thanks to the fact that he divided this substances and discovered their effect on tumors, Doctor Oto Varburg, won the Nobel Prize in 1931.
The miraculous spelt juice contains over 300 enzymes, among them the rare ones, that exist in the human body after the birth, but after some period under influence of stress, bad diet and surrounding toxins, only small amount remains it the liver. But by consuming this potion, this substances are recreated and they strengthen the organism. The spelt is also rich with vitamin B17 which destroys cancer cells. It is important to point out that the beverage will have the full effect only if it is consumed fresh or frozen.
The best thing to do is to freeze it right after you strain it, and consume one or more ice cubes dissolved in a glass of water every morning on an empty stomach. The healing power of this potion is lost after one hour from the melting. If you use the green juice, you will feel much better in less than a month, no matter what illness bothers you”.

The famous spelt juice was first made by the English doctor En Vigmor who cured herself from colorectal cancer more than 50 years ago, by using this exact potion. She lived over 90 years and she wrote many books on healthy lifestyle, fighting against cancer by fresh diet and of course about this miraculous grain. Nemet Macas points out that the green juice can be made by anyone and that there is no special secret – the magic is in the nature.
Take the young green leaves, grind and squeeze the juice. Place the juice in ice cubes and freeze it. You need to have 72 cubes, that you would use one a day. In the morning, put one cube in a glass of water, and after it melts, drink. The crop has a lot of vitamins, amino acids, minerals … The juice is good for other organs too. You should wait for the grain to grow up to a height of  about 15 cm.

Sweet Diet – Lose 2 To 3 kg In 3 To 5 Days

With this nutrition plan you will be filled with energy and you will speed up the metabolism
The honey diet belongs to a group of monodiets (they last few days and they  prepare the body for a different diet, while at the same time enabling losing of excess weight – 2 to 3 kg).
They are conducted for cleaning the the organism of toxins, to relax the stomach, for stimulation of the metabolism and elimination of excess fluids from the organism.
It is based mostly on dairy products and fruits, simple groceries that are easy to dissolve and digest.
Because it contains a high percentage of water and potassium, this diet is suitable for tonification and acceleration of the metabolism. Honey combined with dairy products and fruit has laxative effect, and also provides energy that is needed in the days of fasting.
I will be most effective if implemented 3-5 days when gradually other cooked foods are introduced.
The benefits from this diet:
– The organism is supplied with balanced protein, carbohydrates and fat,
– It stimulates the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness
– It disposes of excess fluid from the organism,
– Excess weight is lost, from the body fat and not muscle mass,
– The metabolism is Accelerated,
– You get a glowing complexion.
Energy drink to stimulate the metabolism:
– Freshly squeezed orange juice, a spoon of аpple cider and a tablespoon of honey;
– 200 g strawberries, 100 g bananas, 1 cup of yogurt and a tablespoon of honey, all mixed in a blender

– Fruit salad seasoned with 1 tablespoon honey, or
– Cocoa foam made of: 200 g fresh cow cheese, 100 grams of yogurt, 1 tablespoon cocoa powder and 1 tablespoon of honey.
– Freshly squeezed juice of one orange, a little cinnamon and honey spoon.
– 200 g of fresh cow cheese, 100g yogurt, a few dried apricots and 1 tablespoon of honey; or
– 2 мashed bananas and  tablespoon of honey.
– 1 cup milk with 1 tablespoon of honey.

How To Cleanse The Lymphatic System

Cleaning recipes for the lymphatic organism
Probably forgotten, the lymphatic system is the second circulatory system in the body to which we rarely turn attention to.
Through the thin walls of arterial capillary blood is strained during which fraction of blood plasma with nutrients, oxygen and white blood cells exit. The blood plasma, which is strained through the blood capillaries, floods the cells and tissues and is called tissue fluid.
If we burned ourselves, or if we make a blister in the subcutaneous tissue, tissue fluid is collected. It has a bright yellow color and salty taste, it contains all the substances that the blood plasma and white blood cells have. The tissue fluid gives the cells nutrients and oxygen, and takes unnecessary substances and carbon dioxide out of them. The lymph differs from the blood by not containing red blood cells and platelets.
The lymphatic system consists of lymph vessels, lymph nodes and organs (spleen). Its primary role is:
– The fight against infections in the body,
– Combat infectious bacteria
– Absorbing the excess fluid, fat and waste.
Puffiness of the face after sleeping occurs due to poor lymphatic system. If the lymphatic system is littered with waste ending up in the nodes and the spleen, it can come to swelling and blocking of their function. Due to improper functioning of the lymphatic system, frequent colds and infections can occur.
How to clean and rejuvenate the lymphatic system?
An important factor is certainly the right diet and lifestyle. Under proper diet is implied avoiding processed and industrial products, foods that contain lots of salt, sugar, preservatives and additives. Follow these tips:
– replace the simple carbohydrates with grains and the complex ones with fruit and vegetables.
– Drink plenty of water throughout the day, because only the hydrated body can allow a proper function of the lymphatic system.
– Moderate physical activity, visit the sauna or steam bath, allowing the body to clean out toxins through the sweating.
– Massage, especially in the abdomen and chest can help purifying the lymphatic system.
  1. In a blender place: 1/3 cup of apple acid, 1/3 cup organic honey, 8 cloves of garlic. Blend it for 1 minute to the highest speed. The resulting mixture should stand in the refrigerator, tightly sealed in a glass container. Take two teaspoons every morning along with a glass of water or lemonade, on an empty stomach.
  2. Chop an onion and 2-3 cloves of garlic. Mix three tablespoons of honey and leave the mixture to stand for two weeks in the refrigerator, in a tightly closed jar. Consumes one spoonful a day.
  3. Mix two parts apple cider vinegar and one part organic honey. Consume one teaspoon in water or lemonade.

How To Heal Diarrhea And Salmonella In 5 Hours, And Aastric Ulcer In 7 Days!

- this cure has also been used by Hippocrates in his medical activities
This is the first patented natural remedyand is actually a remedy that has been used by Hippocrates himself in his healing processes:by using a pomegranate peal he treated:
 - Dysentery, diarrhea (and other gastric viruses), inflammation of appendicitis in 5 hours.
 - Salmonellosis – in 5 hours.
 - gastric ulcer – in 7 days.
 - Intestinal disbacteriosis – in 7 days.
Do not throw away the pomegranate peal. Dry it, and keep it in the home pharmacy. This amazing substance helps with every abdominal infections and releases you from every intestinal disorders. True first aid!
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The ratio between the pomegranate peal and the boiling water must be 1:20 to avoid any contraindications(nausea, headaches and vertigoes).

In previously heated cup or glass, put 10-12 grams of pomegranate peal and pour with 200 milliliters of boiled water. Cover the glass with a plate. Let it stand for 25-30 minutes.
You can drink it afterwards. Don’t throw away the peal (do not strain). The treatment has begun. The glass with the potion should be placed right next to the patient.

The preparation of this potion from dried pomegranate peal, is the same for all the listed illnesses. But the consumption is different for every illness.

  1. For 5 hour treatment (dysentery, diarrhea, salmonellosis, typhus, cholera, and acute appendicitis),the potion is consumed like this:

After it cools for 25-30 minutes, half of the potion should be consumed. Do not strain it. Again cover it with a plate. If you feel a relief and you feel better in the next 10 minutes, it means that it’s just a common diarrhea and the treatment is over. You can freely go out, because the diarrhea will be gone.

If there is no improvement in the next 10 minutes, it means that it is either dysentery, typhus, salmonella, severe diarrhea or cholera. It is necessary to stay home and after 3 hours to drink the rest of the potion. The treating process continues in the next 3 hours, and the healing occurs after 5 hours from the beginning of the treatment.

  1. For the 7 days treating (from gastric ulcer, small intestinal ulcer, colitis, intestinal dysbacteriosis) the consumption of the drink goes like this:

After it cools for 25-30 minutes, the potion can be consumed. During a day you should drink half of the (90-100 milliliters) drink in 4 ocasions, in approximately equal portions and approximately equal time intervals, of 20-25 milliliters.
Start in the morning on empty stomach, right after the waking up, and the fourth last dosage, before sleep.

It shouldn’t be consumed every day, but every other day:
1., 3., 5. and 7. day are days for using the potion, and
2., 4., and 6. you don’t drink the potion.

That is enough for full healing. If you want to continue with the treatment, in order to make sure you cure the gastric ulcer, you can do it after a pause of one week.

Remember: You do not strain the potion in the healing process. During the healing period – you must not consume alcohol. The ratio between the pomegranate peal and the water is 1:20. This is important!

The essence of the treatment is in the fact that in the whole gastrointestinal tract all of the pathogenic bacteria is destroyed and the beneficial bacteria remain intact.

How To Remove The Callus From Your Feet

folk remedies
After the winter period has passed the skin on the feet is thicker and very often with calluses which can be extremely painful and might make the walking difficult. They usually appear on heal, in between the toes or on the areas exposed on excessive pressure while walking. They have to be systematically removed including the root to avoid their reappearance.
1.Cut an onion head and soak it in an apple vinegar. Leave it like that from 3 to 4 hours (or chop it in small pieces). Apply the onion as compress and fix it first with bandage, and then with some old sock in order to sleep during the night with it. Do this every night and the following day before you go to bed soak your feet in water for about 20 or 30 minutes (warm water with sea salt, baking soda, salicylic acid)and rub them with Ped Egg or some similar product.
Gradually the callus will start to fall part by part. Make sure that you have removed the root before making the least treatment.
This method of washing your feet can also be used with all the recipes bellow:
  1. Shred horseradish and apply it on the callus on which you had previously applied oil or grease. Keep the compress for two hours every morning and evening.
  2. 3. Mix juice of lemon and ground coffe and put the mixture on a piece of lemon. Fix it with bandage and old sock. Change it every night.
  3. Every evening apply a crushed leaf of Sempervivum tectorum as compression. In a few days the root should drop.
Note: you must not wear tight and uncomfortable shoes. The feet must you be relaxed and the walking painless. Use plaster pads to separate the callus for the pressure with which you will make the walking easier.

2 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Dark Neck

Most of the people spent a lot of time on various treatments of their faces, but only few of them take into consideration the treatment of their necks. Even when it comes to washing and hydrating, we always wash only our faces forgetting that we also had to wash the neck.
The results of this low maintenance are the dark unsightly areas, wrinkles and blemishes. But even though you don’t have any of these on your face you should still take care of your neck in order to prevent them. Don’t let the bad looking neck spoil your first impression.
These are only few of the things that you can do to make your neck look good.  If you rub your neck with these natural remedies you will make the skin look beautiful.
-Lemon Juice
The natural bleaching properties of the lemon will make the neck darkness disappear naturally. For the treatment of the neck with lemon you should prepare a mixture with equal amount of water and lemon juice. Every night before going to sleep apply the mixture on the dark neck skin. It is recommended to do this every night for about one month to see the first results.
  • Oats Scrub:
First thing you should do to make your neck look beautiful is to remove the dead cells of the skin. These dead cells are result of carelessness of the skin. So the longer you have not taken care of you neck the more dead cells will be accumulated. Oats is the right choice for removing of the dead cells. Before using it you will have to prepare a mixture of oats and tomato puree. The process of preparation is simple you will only have to grind the oats and add a dash of tomato puree to it. Be careful how you grind the oats because it might lose the exfoliating properties if it`s grinded as fine powder.
Apply this mixture on your neck and leave it like that for about 20 minutes. After this time passes start rubbing your neck with a wet finger. When you finish rinse your neck with cool water. You should repeat this 2-3 times weekly in order to remove the dead cells easier.
You should start doing this if you want to have a beautiful skin on your neck:
  • Wash your neck every time when you wash your face, which means at least once a day.
  • Apply the facial moisture on your neck not only on your face
  • Once a month massage your neck for better blood flow with heat almond oil.
  • Protect your neck from the damage of UV rays. Place a sunscreen ointment always when you are exposed on the sun.
  • Avoid wearing accessory such as steel ornamentation or chains because they can cause neck darkening.
We hope that this article has helped many women to keep their beauty. Smooth and soft neck is definitely part of the woman`s elegance. Feel free to use this mixture because it has no side effects.

After Reading This, You’ll Never Look at Bananas with the Same Eyes

All types of fruits are good for our health, but banana is definitely on top of them. The curvy yellow fruit has more benefits than you can even think of. This makes bananas one of the most widely consumed fruits around the world.
They are rich with potassium and fiber that are very beneficial for our health. But they also contain three types of sugar: fructose, sucrose and glucose. These ingredients will make you feel full for a longer period of time, and you can substitute some of your meals with it.
This marvelous fruit will boost you energy. According to some studies only two bananas will give you enough energy for 90 minute workout.
These are not the only benefits that you will get. The following are some of the conditions in which treatment banana can help:
  • Depression
Serotonin or the hormone of happiness is responsible for all the positive feelings that the human might feel. Depression appears when the brain lacks serotonin. Now you might wonder how the banana is related to this? Well the protein tryptophan that this fruit contains, the body converts it into serotonin, which means that banana indirectly increases the serotonin in your body. This has been proven with a study which included a group of people who suffered from depression.
  • Anemia
Iron is one of the main ingredients of banana, which affects the formation of hemoglobin in the blood thus helping in the treatment of anemia.
  • Blood pressure
This fruit contains insignificant amount of salt, that can be even said that it does not contains salt. As we all know this type of food is recommended to people who have high blood pressure. But yet another reason why this fruit is important in the regulation of blood pressure is that it contains huge amount of potassium. Eat regularly bananas and you will reduce the risk of getting heart attack.
  • Brain
Bananas improve concentration and memory. Next time when you are studying instead of eating chocolate try improving concentration with banana.
  • Hangover
We all hate the mornings after nights out. Having hangover is terrible, but now you can get rid of it quickly by consumption of banana. It is best to prepare a milkshake, that will free your headache. Combine it with a teaspoon of acacia honey and all the other symptoms will disappear because it will complement the needs of sugar.
  • Morning sickness
Eat banana for a snack and you will no longer have morning sickness.
  • Mosquito bites
Use the inner side of the peel to rub the bites of mosquito or other insects and you will reduce swelling.
  • Nerves
In period when you are under a pressure and stress, consume this fruits to calm the nervous system.
  • Intestines
Banana is used as dietary fruit and is good for intestinal disorder.
An apple a day keeps doctor away is widely known saying, but if we compare bananas with apples the bananas contain four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron. Which means it is the banana which actually keeps the doctor away.

Miraculous Effect: 10 000 Times Stronger Than Chemotherapy!

The lemon has a magical power to fight against the cancer cells, but the public is not informed about that. The reason why this is kept in secret is that the gigantic manufacturers of the chemotherapy and other “cures” for cancer will lose huge profits.
So please share this article and inform other people about the power of this fruit.
The irony is that million people die of this disease only for the sake of money.
Besides the anti-carcinogenic it also contains many other useful properties. It has strong effect on cysts and tumors. The researchers tested the lemon on almost all types of cancer, and it was proven effective for the most of them. The combination with lemon and baking soda was proven to have even better effect because it can normalize the pH of the body.
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One more benefit of this fruit is that it can be used against bacterial and fungal infections because it has anti-microbial effect. Some other conditions for which it can be used are: regulation of high blood pressure, reduction stress and in fight against depression.
This information was revealed by one of the largest manufacturers of drugs. Since 1970 they were researching the effects of lemon and for the sake of this they made 20 laboratory tests. All of them proved that lemon can destroy cancer cells of 12 types of cancer. What is more they compared its effects with the effects of Adriamycin and some other drugs and concluded that the lemon has even 10 000 times stronger effects.
The most positive thing is that unlike the chemotherapy that can destroy the healthy cells and cause many side effects that can be unbearable, the lemon affects and destroys only the “bad” cells while leaves the “good” unaffected, and has no side effects.
The patient should drink lemon juice with baking soda. It is recommended the lemon to be organic one, because it will achieve the best effects (100 times more efficient than the lemon contaminated with chemicals). In order to be 100 % sure that you are consuming organic lemons you can pot one.

Cure Varicose Veins With The Help Of Tomato

Varicose veins can be really problematic and many people face this issue. There are many methods for their treatment that originate from the Russian folk medicine.
The most efficient natural remedy for the treatment of varicose veins is tomato. Many people have tried it, and they claim that it helps a lot. If you do not know how to use them to treat varicose veins in the following text we will provide you with two ways how to use the green and red ripe tomatoes for the treatment.
The treatment of varicose veins with green tomatoes
The green tomato is a home remedy that everyone can provide. The treatment of varicose veins is very simple and easily applicable. All you will have to do is wash the tomatoes and cut them on slices. Apply them on the nodes of varicose veins and leave it like that for some time. What you will feel is tangling sensation on the skin. If you can`t stand the burning sensation remove the tomatoes and wash the veins. But if you don’t mind the sensation, the improvement will be visible very soon. You will have to change the slices after a while and repeat that several times a day ( it is recommended 5 times in a row). Do this on any period of the day when you have time, and if it is possible the best period will be at evenings.
If you repeat this procedure every day in a row for two weeks, you will see the results. The nodes, the capillary network, the swelling and the pain will just fade away.
The treatment of varicose veins with ripe red tomatoes
There is almost no difference between the treatment with green and red tomatoes. You will have to do the same things with red tomatoes: wash, cut and apply. Put them on the painful areas and fix them with bandage. Leave them like that for 3-4 hours. The ripe tomatoes are available all summer and you can combine them with green tomatoes.
You might wonder how is it possible the tomatoes to be so beneficial? Well the tomatoes are so beneficial because they contain a substance which is very similar to aspirin. This substance (acid) dilutes the blood and does not give it stagnation because it is an anticoagulant. Moreover, the flavanoids which the tomato contains strengthen the blood walls.
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