Friday, April 10, 2015

How To Remove The Callus From Your Feet

folk remedies
After the winter period has passed the skin on the feet is thicker and very often with calluses which can be extremely painful and might make the walking difficult. They usually appear on heal, in between the toes or on the areas exposed on excessive pressure while walking. They have to be systematically removed including the root to avoid their reappearance.
1.Cut an onion head and soak it in an apple vinegar. Leave it like that from 3 to 4 hours (or chop it in small pieces). Apply the onion as compress and fix it first with bandage, and then with some old sock in order to sleep during the night with it. Do this every night and the following day before you go to bed soak your feet in water for about 20 or 30 minutes (warm water with sea salt, baking soda, salicylic acid)and rub them with Ped Egg or some similar product.
Gradually the callus will start to fall part by part. Make sure that you have removed the root before making the least treatment.
This method of washing your feet can also be used with all the recipes bellow:
  1. Shred horseradish and apply it on the callus on which you had previously applied oil or grease. Keep the compress for two hours every morning and evening.
  2. 3. Mix juice of lemon and ground coffe and put the mixture on a piece of lemon. Fix it with bandage and old sock. Change it every night.
  3. Every evening apply a crushed leaf of Sempervivum tectorum as compression. In a few days the root should drop.
Note: you must not wear tight and uncomfortable shoes. The feet must you be relaxed and the walking painless. Use plaster pads to separate the callus for the pressure with which you will make the walking easier.

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