Wednesday, April 8, 2015

6 Dangerous Effects Of Sleep Deprevation

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It is a generally known thing that lack of sleep or sleep quality can lead to serious health implications. Sleep deprivation is something that can have immediate as well as long-term impacts on your health.
The average person needs seven to nine hours of sleep each night, according to the natural sleep foundation, but most adults do not even get that much. Getting too little sleep, generally understood to mean six or fewer hours a night, can be serious, serious enough to change your genes.
After only seven nights of too little sleep, researchers observed more than 700 genetic changes that could play a role in consequences including heart problems and obesity.
There are many other risks involved in sleep deprivation, here are six so that you will be warned and try to get your problem under control.
  1. Memory Loss
On the days that you’re most tired, you may also find that you’re most forgetful and unfocused. Sleep helps us refine how we store memory, but a lack of sleep can lead to permanent cognitive issues, such as memory loss.
  1. Heart Disease
Excessive sleepiness due to an attempt to maintain a work/life balance has become too common in our society and is dangerous for our heart health. Getting six hours or less of sleep each night causes the body to produce more chemical and hormones that can lead to heart disease, according to a study published in the European Heart Journal. These hormones and chemicals can increase the risk of stroke and other conditions, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity.
  1. Diabetes
The main reason for this is the fact that when sleeping less you can not reach deep sleep – a condition in which the body rests and regenerates, so your body is experiencing a reduced ability to regulate the blood sugar level.
  1. Depression
Insufficient amounts of sleep will not only affect your physical state, but your mental state as well. Depression is one of the most common side effects of insufficient sleep. Sleep deprivation can cause the perfect conditions for the development of various mental disorders.
  1. Lowered sex drive
Sleep specialists say that sleep-deprived men and women report lower libidos and less interest in sex. Depleted energy, sleepiness, and increased tension may be largely to blame.
  1. Bone Damage
“If true in humans, and I expect that it may be, this work will have great impact on our understanding of the impact of sleep deprivation on osteoporosis and inability to repair bone damage as we age,” Steven R. Goodman, Ph.D

10 Foods That Improve Brain Function and Make You Smarter

Always have in mind that the food is listed in the facts of your brain functioning, concentration etc. Here are 10 ideas that will enlighten you 10 types of food that you will truly have to be a try if you are in studies, or anywhere!
Your brain also likes to eat, but not necessarily what you like to eat; instead try quality fats, complex carbohydrates, and food heavy in antioxidants. Try and add some of these foods into your diet, and reap the benefits of a healthy mind.
1. Avocado
Avocados are filled with beneficial fats that build a good foundation for an energized day. The monosaturated fat helps blood circulate better, which is necessary for optimum brain function.
2. Beets
Beets bring Vitamin B to the table, which help the brain to process data quickly and sift through the memories.
3. Berries
Berries are Brain boosters, and for many reasons! Berries like raspberries and blueberries contain anthocyanin compounds that protect brain neurons linked to memory.
4. Cayenne
Hot peppers are filled with capsicum, which is most famous for its use as a natural pain reliever and fat fighter. Did you know that our brains actually benefit from the compound as well.
5. Nuts
Mixed Nuts
Nuts are filled with healthy fats that improve the body’s ability to think. This will also provide you with long-lasting energy.
6. Chocolate
Recent studies have shown that drinking two cups of hot cocoa per day for 30 days improved memory function and blood flow to the brain in elderly people.
7. Oatmeal
Oats Heap
Oatmeal is a slow digesting food that will provide you will long lasting sustainable energy.
8. Spinach
Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and collards are packed with antioxidants that could slow down or reverse memory loss.
9. Tea
Tea especially green tea is packed with powerful antioxidants that increase neuron production in your brain.
10. Coffee
Coffee is more than a morning pick me up; it has been proven to improve memory function and speed up reaction times by acting on the brain’s prefrontal cortex, the area responsible for short-term memory.

Lavender Lemonade Is A Real Treat

Pictured above is a recipe called Herb Citrus Cordial by I Love Wildfox. I think my heart skipped a beat. Maybe two. This dreamy recipe just screams hot summer days and cool summer nights. Sweet bliss. Lavender is one of my garden favorites. It’s easy to grow, looks beautiful, and smells heavenly. Why wouldn’t it be amazing in a drink? No reason! Lavender lemonade sounds like the best things since sweet tea! Sliced bread? iPhones?
Lavender, sugar, lemon, water (cold and hot), and ice are all you need to make this refreshing treat. The tutorial shows how to make an easy lavender infusion. This might make me less of a DIYer but I’d want to use purple culinary lavender and not homemade. I saw a drink made with it once and it was the most amazing shade of indigo. I want to duplicate that! If I can do with lavender from my garden I will.
Whether it is a lemonade or a lemon drop… here are some tips from Mixology on using lavender in drinks.

16 Waffle Iron Hacks To Make More Than Just Waffles

Uhh what a sweet breakfast treats, I just told my mom to do it at home and she did I’am fasinated with this breakfast. Have a girlfriend? Have a boyfriends? If yes, please told him and tell this recipe to make for you on free time.
If you own a waffle iron, then you’re probably a big waffle fan. However, it turns out that you can use the appliance to make more than just your favorite sweet breakfast treats! After this, you’ll never use your fry pan, oven or toaster again!

This One Plant Kills Cancer And Stops Diabetes Plus More!

This One Plant Kills Cancer And Stops Diabetes Plus More!Goya or Bitter melon (you may have also heard it referred to as Karela, Balsam Pear or Bitter Gourd), is commonly used for different beneficial health reasons. The melon is a very helpful food, but it has an extremely bitter taste. On first look the Goya looks like a cucumber but with ugly gourd – like bumps all over it. It thrives in humid and hot climates, so they are commonly found in South America and Asian countries.
Dr. Frank Shallenberger M.D., who specializes in Anti Aging Treatment and Alternative Medicine at The Nevada Center of Alternative & Anti – Aging Medicine, has used the fruit to fight pancreatic cancer. Dr. Shallenberger has found bitter melon to be an effective tool in inhibiting cancer cell growth and advises his patients to go for natural substances that inhibit cancer cell growth.
Dr. Shallenberger during his latest research found that when bitter melon juice is diluted to 5% in water, it proved to be very effective in fighting pancreatic cancer. Bitter melon was able to damage cancer cell lines by a rate of 90% and 98%. The University of Colorado tested bitter melon’s effect further and found a 64% reduction in the size of the pancreatic tumors.
Dr. Shallenberger’s research is just one of the many health benefits bitter melon has to offer. Bitter melon has also been used as a remedy for high blood pressure, asthma, skin infections, diabetes symptoms and stomach problems. The plant has been used as a traditional medicine in Africa, India, China and the southeastern US.
Bitter melons contain high amounts of nutrients, but are very low in calories. It is an excellent source of magnesium, manganese, high dietary fiber, vitamins B1, B2, and B3, C, folate, zinc, and phosphorus. It contains twice the beta – carotene of broccoli, it is rich in iron, twice the potassium of a banana and twice the calcium of spinach. Even with all of the beneficial nutrients it has to offer, one negative about the bitter melon is that its bitter taste detracts a lot of people from consuming it.
Health Benefits of Bitter Melon
Regular consumption of bitter gourd juice has been proven to improve stamina and energy level. Even sleeping patterns have been shown to be stabilized/improved.
Bitter melon is an excellent source of folates. When taken by mothers during their early pregnancy time, folates would help reduce the incidence of neural tube defects in the newborn babies.
Type – 2 Diabetes.Bitter melon notably contains polypeptide – P, phyto – nutrient, a plant insulin known to lower blood sugar levels. Even more, bitter melon contains a unique phyto – constituent that has been confirmed to have charantin, a hypoglycemic effect called. Charantin increases glycogen synthesis and glucose uptake inside the cells of muscle, liver and adipose tissue. Together, these two reduce blood sugar levels in the treatment of type – 2 diabetes.
Immune booster.This bitter juice can also help to increase your body’s resistance against infection and build your immune system.
Eye problems.The high beta – carotene and other properties in bitter melon make it one of the finest vegetable – fruit that help improving eyesight and alleviate eye problems.
By speeding up your body’s metabolism of alcohol, bitter melon can help relieve hangovers. It also helps repair and cleanse and nourish liver problems due to alcohol consumption.
Indigestion/Constipation.Bitter melon stimulates peristalsis of food and easy digestion through the bowel until it is excreted from the body.
Liver Cleanse.Bitter melon helps cleanse and detoxify your liver, especially when consumed as a juice. In addition it helps relieve gout pain and improves blood circulation.
Regular consumption of this bitter juice has also been known to improve psoriasis condition and other fungal infections like athletes feet and ring – worm.
Best ways to consume bitter melon
Unlike some other vegetables and fruits it is best to pick a bitter melon that is firm and still green. You may want to avoid if the bitter melon is starting to turn orange or has soft spots (the more bitter the taste, the riper the melon gets).
It is best to clean your bitter melon under cold running water and brush with a soft vegetable brush.
Okinawantir – fry with bitter melon, Goya chanpuru, pork, onion, eggs, tofu, and is a special dish of health – conscious island inhabitants.
Dried, and ground whole bitter gourd has been used in the preparation of iced or milk tea in some East Asian regions.
In India it is commonly used stuffed with garam – masala or in stir – fries, green chilies, tomato, curry leaves onions and garlic.
Bitter gourd is also been used in the pickle preparations.
In the Philippines it is known as ampalaya, it has been widely used in special dishes like Pinakbet Ilocano, prepared with shrimp paste and mixed with vegetables like okra and eggplant.
It is definitely something worth trying, if you can withstand the bitter taste of this food. The beneficial nutrients alone make it a very beneficial food. It is an almost ideal food to include into your diet, and add in the additional health benefits this food has to offer! Don’t forget to share the information’s, as you might help someone in need.

600 Year Old (Butterfly In Hands) Oak Bench

Wow! This is a totally amazing project that was tackled and it’s truly a work of art. Some of the comments I have read on this project state that people think it’s “hideous”…
Nothing could be farther from the truth. This was a labor of love and I think it turned out beautifully. I was able to find the source of these images over at the Heavenly Healer blog. Sources/Credits here:
Image Credit:

67 Homemade Natural Cleaning Recipes

As all moms know, having a family means having a lot of messes around the house. Having all those messes also means buying cleaning products, which can get expensive. It doesn’t have to! Over the years, many recipes have emerged for natural cleaning recipes you can make right at home. Even better: you control what goes into your cleaning products so you know that they’re safe. For example, cleaning wipes have become a very popular cleaning item, so what if you could save money while controlling what’s in them? You can! This and 66 other recipes for your cleaning needs have been compiled into one convenient list.

Causes Of Toe Deformities And How To Get Rid Of Them

To have beautifully shaped feet, you are required to have a straight spine. Pain in the thumb and wrist indicate “blind bone” or medicinally- hallus valgus.
Some women just need a pedicure to have perfect feet, but for some nothing can hide the “blind bone” which though at first glance looks very non-aesthetic, and it can cause severe pain. The outgrowth of the toe bone is a medical problem that needs to be treated. At least for aesthetic reasons.
According to senior physiotherapist, at the “Balance Medic,” the problem with the feet is closely associated with deformity of the spine. Also, these changes of the feet can be inherited or acquired. These Are The Causes Of Toes Deformities
Ballet shoesare the worst possible choice of footwear.
Completely flat shoes, especially low quality ballet shoe without pads is the worst choice of footwear. Equally has a bad influence on the spine and the feet as well as high heels, tight and uncomfortable shoes. Ideal shoes are those with heels of 2-4 cm, and that are wide, not to tight.
As soon as the pain in the thumb or middle part of the foot appears, and sometimes applies pressure around the hock, it is necessary to react. If even with the smallest symptoms you ask for help, you can very easily be cured.
The problem with wearing uncomfortable shoes can be an important factor for bone deformity, but contributes more to bad posture and habits we have acquired over the lifetime, explains the senior physiotherapist,and that her patients are treated with Bowen method and reflexology.
With gentle movements, it returns the statics of the body and its normal posture.
Physical exercise cannot permanently solve the problem of static body. So a complex therapeutic approach is needed to solve this problem.
To help your feet, she advised, besides using comfortable shoes, to go barefoot whenever you can and to do specific exercises with the thumb.
What is the Bowen technique?
Bowen technique is a completely new concept of work with the body, and is consisted of gentle movements with the thumbs and other fingers through muscle and connective tissue. Youcan make breaks during therapy to allow enough time for adequate reaction and begin the process of recovery. Results are visible after 5-6 treatments, and full recovery is individual.
Someone has a “blind bone” for 30 years, and this deformity can not disappear in just two months. Someone just wants to relieve pain and is pleased with the initial results, but there are people that with these treatments keep their body, raise their general fitness level and determine the pace of therapies.


During the winter time last year we had a lot of snow and I thought it ruined my boots. They were so dirty and had stains that I had no idea where they came from or what they were. This year I could not afford to buy a new pair so I started looking for ways I could fix them so they would look like new again. I started surfing the web and came across this site. Let me start off by saying I did not think that this would work because they were so bad. Even though I thought it would not work, I gave it a try anyway. I was very surprised with the results. By the time I was done they looked like new. I will be doing this every year after winter and of course sharing it with all of my friends as well.

Home Remedies for Sebaceous Cyst

Sebaceous Cyst Remedies

Know About Sebaceous Cyst

The sebaceous glands are the sweat glands in our body. Sebaceous cyst appears as a bump underneath the skin. Usually the sebaceous cyst develops suddenly and they will go away without any treatment. These cysts are also known as Epidermoid cyst or keratin cyst. Sebaceous cyst develops when the sebaceous glands get blocked by a keratin protein present in the skin. These sebaceous cysts will be filled with yellowish oily liquid having a pungent smell. Sebaceous cysts can emerge from any part of the human body except for the inner side of the palm and soles of the feet. The size of the cyst may vary and they are non-cancerous. The swelling in the hair follicle results in sebaceous cyst. There many factors which triggers the emergence of sebaceous cysts. Some of the causes of sebaceous cysts are discussed below.

Causes of Sebaceous Cysts

Some of the abnormalities in the human body and metabolism will result in skin cysts. The important causes of sebaceous cyst are:
  • Blocked sebaceous or sweat glands
  • Excessive production of the male hormone testosterone
  • Swelling of hair follicles
  • Increased production of sweat or sebum
  • Trauma to the skin
  • Overexposure to sunlight
  • People with acne are prone to sebaceous cyst
  • Regular waxing and shaving of hair

Symptoms Of Sebaceous Cyst

Various symptoms are associated with a sebaceous cyst condition. The common symptoms are as follows:
  • Bumps which are painless appear under the skin
  • Redness of the skin in the affected area
  • Soreness of skin
  • The skin in the infected area becomes warm
  • The pungent smelling oily material gets collected in the cyst
  • The cyst size may vary from ¼ inches to 2 inches in diameter

Top 14 Super Foods For Weight Loss

foods for weight loss
For some people it is very difficult to remain in the ideal weight. Due to the busy life of the present day most of them do not get time to go to the gym and make the body fit and slim. They try different fad diets and supplements for weight loss without achieving the result. When it comes to weight loss what matters is what you are consuming. The main reason for the increase in body weight is consumption of more calories than needed by the body. So, if you want to achieve weight loss you should consume food items which are less in calories. This will also help you to reduce your blood pressure, cholesterol and to maintain proper sugar level.

Top 14 Super Foods For Weight Loss

There are certain types of foods that will help in slowly slimming down your weight and also contain the essential nutrients for the body. They will also help in lowering blood pressure levels and cholesterol in the body. Some of the top super foods for weight loss are:

1.    Brown Rice

If you are an Indian, then you would be eating white polished rice for lunch. But, white rice is rich in simple carbohydrate and over consumption of white rice will lead to weight gain. It would be ideal for weight watchers and obese people to try brown rice. It is high in fiber content and low in calories.
•    Half cup of cooked brown rice will help in providing complex carbohydrates that boost metabolism and burns fat easily in your body.
•    It is an excellent source of Vitamin B and E, iron and magnesium.
•    It will help in proper bowel movements.
•    It will also help in lowering cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and prevent blood clots from forming.

2.    Blueberries

Blueberries are tiny in shape. They are very powerful in helping you to maintain a proper body figure. They are rich in antioxidants and contain high fiber content. You will feel full easily when you eat blueberries and will satisfy your hunger for longer periods. Blueberries will also help in improving digestion.
Consuming Blueberries
•    It would be ideal for you to take a cup of blueberries every day as a mid day snack.
•    You can include a lot of blueberries along with cranberries in your evening fruit diet to make your tummy feel full very soon.
•    A cup serving of blueberries contains 4 grams of soluble fiber and have just 80 calories.

3.    Salmon

Salmon is a cold water fish that contains high amounts of omega -3 fatty acids that is very essential to boost the metabolism  of your body. It will also help in burning body fats faster. Deep frying of the salmon is not recommended as all its nutrients disappear. It is leaner than red meat and contains less fat. The omega 3 fatty acids will help in preventing arthritis, reducing depression and also improves the health of your heart.
Intake Of Salmon
•    Salmon is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and you will be able to reduce weight if you regularly consume salmon.
•    Try eating three to four servings of salmon every week. You should only go for baked or grilled salmon dishes.

4.    Almonds

Almonds are a very good source of fiber and vitamin E. The high fiber content in almonds will prevent you from feeling hungry. Even though almonds are rich in calories, they will not lead to increase in belly fat. They are also ideal nuts to consume when you suffer from high cholesterol levels.
Make it a point to consume a handful of almonds every day or at least five times a week as a mid day snack to see a visible weight loss in two to three months.

5.    Oats

Oats are rich in fiber content and will help in boosting your body metabolism and burning the fat in your body. They are quite filling, yet they will help in losing weight. Oats will help you to feel full throughout the day and can control your stomach cravings.
•    Include a half cup of oats boiled with skim milk in your daily morning breakfast everyday to provide you with the slow and natural energy that you need to pull through the entire day.
•    It will help in lowering cholesterol levels in your body and keep you fit and healthy.
•    Half a cup of oats contains 4.6 grams of resistant starch. Hence, consume oats during mornings to see faster weight loss results.

6.    Beans

All the varieties of beans are packed with nutrients, minerals as well as fiber and proteins that your body needs daily. Beans are very low in calories and are high fiber rich foods. They are loaded with slow release energy that will prevent your stomach from craving for food for longer durations. It is devoid of saturated fat.
•    A cup of beans everyday will help in providing you with the natural fibers needed by the body.
•    It will also help in burning fat by boosting body metabolism.

7.    Green Tea

It is always better to switch to green tea than drinking sweetened coffee or other aerated drinks as it contains a lot of health benefits. It helps in bolstering your metabolism and will reduce your food cravings. It is loaded with antioxidants that will help in proper heart function and also to burn your body fat and calories at a faster rate.
•    Take two to three cups of freshly brewed green tea everyday will prevent the bloating of the stomach due to water retention.
•    Make it a habit to drink green tea every time you think of drinking any juices or aerated drinks as it helps your body to easily flush out excess fluids.

8.    Grapefruit

Grapefruit is an excellent source of Vitamin C that helps weight loss and there are also reports that the fruit aids in boosting body metabolism. It is a fruit that is rich in proteins and fiber and is having about 90% water content. You will never gain weight by eating grapefruit as it is very low in calories.
•    It is ideal for you to eat one half of the grapefruit before your morning breakfast and one half of the grapefruit before with your lunch to see a visible weight loss in a week’s time.

9.    Eggs

Eggs are considered to be high in calories. But, it is an abundant source of protein that will help you to curb your cravings for food. Eggs contain an ingredient that helps in cutting down calories during a meal. Eggs are preferred to the bagel breakfast as it maintains healthy cholesterol levels.
•    You need to eat one egg every day with your morning breakfast to remain healthy.
•    You can think of different variations of cooking eggs like baking or boiling or frying or scrambling.

10.    Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolates that have high cocoa content are rich in antioxidants and will help in reducing your body weight. It will help in slowing down  the digestion process and hence you  will never feel hungry for a long time. You  will also eat less during your next meal.
•    Regular consumption of dark chocolate that is devoid of milk and has a high concentration of cocoa powder will help in improving your body metabolism.
•    Take a small piece of dark chocolate every day between meals to reduce the intake of the next meal and thereby reduce weight.

11.    Oranges

One of the well known super foods that have loads of Vitamin C and very less calories are oranges. It is rich in fiber and Vitamin C and will aid in weight loss. It will also help in improving the body metabolism.
•    Make it a point to take at least one orange a day as it is loaded with fiber that your body needs for a day.
•    You can also drink a full glass of orange juice during breakfast to reduce the intake of foods during other meals.

12.    Low Fat Milk

Skimmed or low fat milk is rich in proteins and low in fat content. It also contains calcium that is needed for the body. Studies reveal that increasing the intake of calcium to 1000 mg to 1200 mg a day will help in reducing body fat.
•    Drink one or two glasses of skimmed milk every day to increase protein and calcium content in your body.

13.    Peanuts

Eating peanuts in moderation will aid weight loss. It is rich in omega 3 fatty acids and fiber and also helps in skin conditioning as it is loaded with Vitamin E.
•    Eat a small handful of roasted peanuts as a mid day snack in between your meals every day.
•    It will prevent you from over eating your next meal and has the proteins to help you develop a flat stomach.

14.    Pine Nuts

If you are a nut lover, then you can think of eating other nuts and not stick to almonds for weight loss. Pine nuts will help you quell huger hormones and also help you to boost your body metabolism which will in turn burn body fats fast.
•    Pine nuts just contain 95 calories for about 80 nuts which gives you the opportunity to binge on these nuts.
•    You can eat a handful of the pine nuts every day between meals to reduce intake of food during meals.
If you are experiencing health problems or other inconvenience due to your excess weight or you simply want to shed weight and achieve good shape and health, you can try the food which has fewer calories and increases your metabolic rate. Do you want to reduce weight without much effort and without following weight loss diet? Try the super food for weight loss and experience the difference.