Thursday, April 9, 2015

19 Ways To Clean Your Gadgets With Household Items

19 Ways To Clean Your Gadgets With Household Items
Cleaning is tedious, there’s no doubt about that, and finding ways to clean your gadgets can be downright frustrating. It can be confusing to know what cleaner to use, knowing how to apply that cleaner, or even if you should clean something. A lot of things get overlooked just because we don’t think about it. But there are many gadgets or gadget accessories that we use every day that need a good wipedown every now and then. has gathered some of the best tips to clean your gadgets with everyday household items. If you ever noticed your phone becoming hard to hear, the speaker may need to be cleaned . Clean your phone speakers simply wipe gently with a Q-tip. Q-tips can come in handy when it comes time to clean your earbuds as well. Simply dip the Q-tip into some rubbing alcohol and gently wipe the surfaces of your earbuds. This will break up any wax and kill any germs that are on the surface. There are several other methods for cleaning your earbuds as well including premoistened alcohol towelettes, or damp soapy cloth. Electronics attract dust, so we would certainly be who’ve you to find ways to clean them safely. Use a lint roller on any dust accumulates on the fabric covered speakers. Computer keyboards can get filthy. You can use compressed air or soft bristled make up more paint brushes to get in between the keys, and alcohol soaked Q-tips or baby wipes for the keys. And we all know how dirty and gross the keys can get! You can use dryer fabric softener sheets to clean screens. Just wipe them ever so gently with the dryer sheet! Clean as can be! These are just a few of fantastic ideas on how to clean your gadgets with everyday household items.

How Do You Know if It’s Deep Vein Thrombosis?

How Do You Know if It’s Deep Vein Thrombosis?
If you feel a pain in your leg, it’s likely a cramp or a pulled muscle. But it could be a much more serious condition: blood clots of deep vein thrombosis, also called DVT.
While relatively rare — DVT affects about 300,000 to 600,000 people in the United States — it can have serious health consequences. DVT happens when a blood clot forms in a vein deep in the body, usually the lower leg or the thigh. If left untreated, the clot can break off and travel through the bloodstream to an artery in the lungs, blocking blood flow and possibly causing death.
A clot can cause problems even if it remains in the leg. “It can lead to chronic swelling in the leg, which can cause chronic pain, and at times cracking in the skin, which can lead to cellulitis, a skin infection,” said Larry Santora, MD, medical director of The Center for Heart and Vascular Wellness and Prevention, and The Cardiac Rehabilitation Center at St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, Calif.

Charming Attic Apartment in Sweden

Concerning interior design, it doesn’t matter in what country you live in, or how big your apartment is, if it is in the attic of a building or it’s just very small, the most important is to make sure that a few rules are respected. This is the main reason why we suggest a few charming apartments in different countries, so that you can learn what are the base rules in interior design. This means: if you have a small apartment you might want to leave all as simple as possible. It is preferably that the entire apartment is painted in white, this way you will have this impression it is bigger and brighter. You should have as little furniture as possible so that the living space allows you to move freely. If you are too scared it might look a little too minimalist, you might want to have a small fireplace, to let the natural light invade as much as possible, and leave the wooden floors for more warmth and a cozy feeling.  Despite the cold colors you might be amazed how welcoming the place will look. For a clearer example you should see this beautiful apartment in Gothenburg, Sweden, that is very well decorated, reminding us of the Scandinavian design.

If you want to try a recipe that is so simple that your five year old child could fix it, 3 Ingredient Nutella Brownies is the perfect recipe for you. An easy and chocolatey recipe that can be mixed, poured and baked in the time it takes to gather the ingredients for most other brownie recipes. You probably already have the required ingredients in your home: Nutella, eggs and flour. If not, I would suggest buying a jar or two of Nutella as you never know when you will need a quick and easy treat and 3 Ingredient Nutella Brownies will definitely fill the bill.

How To Easily Get White Teeth Naturally

Every time you go to the dentist, he or she tells you to brush more to keep plaque off of your teeth. Every time. Next time you go to the dentist’s office, show up with clean, healthy gums and teeth.

How Hormones Make You Gain Weight (And What You Can Do About It)

How Hormones Make You Gain Weight (And What You Can Do About It)
I’ll be honest: I thought I had figured out the easy and obvious way to lose weight while I was pregnant with my last baby. I was using magnesium lotion (which does help) and not gaining weight while pregnant. In fact, everything was so darn healthy and perfect I assumed I’d lose weight easily after the baby came.
Not so.
I haven’t talked about it, but I lost the weight initially. Then, after a couple of months, began to gain it back. This has been very frustrating. I had not (have not) changed my diet. It’s still low sugar, nutrient-dense, no junk food. I’m still chasing after kids, although I do “formal” exercise (zumba videos, if you’re curious) only sometimes. Yet…weight gain?
This led to some research into hormones and weight loss. Specifically, how hormonal imbalances can prevent you from losing weight. I think this is a really important topic to discuss, because there are a lot of people out there who are struggling with their weight and don’t know what to do. People who are eating miniscule amounts and trying every diet and constant exercise, just to try to lose some weight! And it isn’t working.
Sadly, there are also people out there who believe that weight loss is simple, and that if people would just “lay off the donuts” and “hop on the treadmill” they would lose the weight. They believe it is a linear relationship between how much you eat and how much you move, and that anyone who is heavy is lazy. Or worse. This is referred to as “fat shaming” and it’s not okay! Someone else’s weight, or the reason they are heavy, is none of your business. Don’t make comments about others’ weight or make assumptions about why they are heavy. They are aware of how much they weigh. They are likely frustrated by it. Don’t make it worse.
That last part could be an entirely separate post, as it bothers me that it happens, but it isn’t really the focus of this post. No, this post is about what to do about the hormonal issues….
Hormonal Imbalances Impact Weight
Yes. It’s true. If your hormones are not in balance, it will affect whether or not you lose (or gain) weight. If you cannot lose (or gain) weight no matter what you seem to do, it is very likely because there is an underlying hormonal imbalance.
There are so many different possible issues that I can’t talk about all of them here. But I will touch on the most common ones, then discuss a little more about the ones I personally face.
Hypothyroid is relatively common, occurring in about 10% of women (and some men). It often shows up after pregnancy and seems to be genetic in some cases.
Hypothyroid means that your thyroid gland, located in your neck, is not producing enough of the hormones needed to keep your metabolism running. Symptoms include weight gain, fatigue, sore throat, cold hands and feet, low appetite, brittle nails or hair (including lots of hair falling out postpartum), constipation, acne, and more.
Hypothyroidism can be corrected, over time, with a healthy diet rich in iodine, copper, vitamin D, B vitamins and, in some cases, a thyroid hormone pill. There are synthetic versions, and bioidentical versions (which are healthier). Fermented foods and low-carb diets help some people. Often, as the thyroid hormones return to normal, the weight drops off without much effort (but not always).
High Cortisol
This hormone is responsible for our “fight or flight” reaction when we are stressed. That’s a great thing — sometimes. What’s not so great is when cortisol is being pumped out all the time, due to chronic stress. It raises your heart rate, your blood pressure, your weight, and can even lead to heart disease or diabetes, long-term! It can also lead to adrenal fatigue (your adrenal glands, overworked by producing so much cortisol, stop producing it). If you have dealt with chronic stress, this may well be an issue.
Symptoms include fatigue, insomnia (both inability to fall asleep/mind in overdrive, and waking in the middle of the night and unable to fall back asleep), irritability, short temper, weight gain, sugar/carb cravings, and more. This can be corrected with a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, prayer/meditation, magnesium lotion, deep breathing, liver pills, and more. (This is one of my issues, so I’ll discuss my experience in a bit.)
Low Progesterone
This might be one of the most common reasons women don’t lose the baby weight. There’s a bit of a good news/bad news thing going on here, too.
The Good News: It’s actually normal. Your body suppresses progesterone production (which prepares your body for pregnancy and helps to keep you pregnant) while you are breastfeeding, so that you will not get pregnant again while you have a baby that depends on you for all its nourishment. Prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production, suppresses the progesterone. Cortisol actually suppresses it too (makes sense…it’s not a great idea to get pregnant during extreme stress, right?).
The Bad News: There’s nothing you can do about it, as long as you are breastfeeding. At least not as long as you are breastfeeding exclusively or more than 8 times in any 24-hour period. Low progesterone causes weight gain. And that makes sense, too, because your body is trying to pack on the fat, especially around your hips and thighs, so that it will have enough to make milk for your baby. When your prolactin levels fall — which they do under two conditions — your progesterone will rise, your fertility will return, and you should have an easier time losing weight. This, too, is one of my issues.
As I said, there are plenty more. These are just the most common ones. Now I’d like to share with you my own experience.
What Happened to Me
I’d like to point out that I am not a doctor and I am not providing medical advice. I’m explaining to you what happened to me and why, based on my own research. I’m hoping this anecdote will be helpful to you as a jumping off point to do your own research, if you are having similar issues.
This story starts before I got pregnant with my fourth. I was severely deficient in magnesium, but I did not know it at the time. I was beginning to suspect it, and wanted to supplement for a few months before I got pregnant again. Except then I got pregnant anyway. I had lost most of the baby weight, but not the last 10 lbs.
As soon as I found out I was pregnant (high progesterone in pregnancy), I began to lose weight. Well — I didn’t gain any weight for a full 20 weeks, then gained less than 20 lbs. Everything was slowly moving forward to the growing baby and the fat was leaving. I loved it. I was supplementing magnesium, sleeping well, eating well, and I was sure I would easily lose the weight once the baby was born. Clearly, magnesium was the key.
Only then the baby was born. I lost most of the weight in the first month or so, but after two months, started to gain it back. And then some. I’m at my highest non-pregnant adult weight (heck…higher than I was at 9 months pregnant with one baby!). My husband swears I don’t look like it…probably because the weight is largely in my lower abdomen, thighs, and hips. Those are the fat deposit areas for baby and milk making….
Anyway, it’s frustrating. When you are pregnant-breastfeeding-pregnant-breastfeeding (etc.) for a long time, as I have been, then your progesterone level falls. You should have enough to last for the first 4 – 6 months, until the baby no longer relies on you for all its nourishment. And then the baby should start eating food, you breastfeed less often, your prolactin levels fall (they fall the longer you breastfeed and if you breastfeed fewer than 8 times in a 24-hour period), and after awhile, you wean. After weaning, your prolactin levels drop way down, your progesterone levels rise, your body recovers and normal fertility resumes. Until/if you get pregnant again, anyway.
My babies are very close together. They are 18 months, 25 months, and 19 months apart. I had 4 – 5 cycles in between babies 1 and 2 (she started solids young), 6 in between babies 2 and 3, and just 2 in between babies 3 and 4. I hadn’t even gotten back to a normal pattern before I got pregnant with baby #4! (I didn’t think I could get pregnant yet.)
This means my progesterone levels have been falling lower and lower with every pregnancy and postpartum period. In fact, now, my baby is just about 10 months old. I have had my period three times. Once when he was almost 6 months, once when he was 7.5 months, and once when he was 9.5 months (so it’s clear I have no normal cycle whatsoever, and my luteal phase the last time — first PP ovulation — was just 7 days). He is still exclusively breastfed — he is not interested in food. He nurses 12 – 18 times in any 24-hour period of time, meaning my prolactin levels are high, and my progesterone is very low.
I also have all the symptoms of high cortisol. I have faced quite a lot of stress over the last three years. I began to work on reducing my stress once I realized this. Interestingly, within a few days, my acne flared quite a lot, and baby even got a tiny bit! I also gained a bit more weight. But then after a couple weeks, my skin became clearer than it had been in awhile, and my weight stabilized, then went down slightly. I believe some of the excess cortisol was breaking down and that was showing up in my skin and weight.
My plan now is to continue stress reduction and management to lower cortisol further. Plus, I am focusing heavily on nutrition (as always), taking liver pills, using magnesium lotion, taking gelatin daily, and more. I have some ideas on how to help prevent/change this based on my experience.
How to Stop the Hormonal Weight Gain
This is based on my limited experience and research and is not the be-all, end-all information. Please talk to your doctor, get any necessary tests, and do your own research before deciding what to do.
Get Magnesium
Magnesium is truly an under-appreciated nutrient and one that’s often seriously lacking in our modern diets. It’s also easily used up by stress, both physical and mental (which we are under quite a lot more than we used to be). Magnesium deficiency can lead to weight gain, insomnia, vitamin D deficiency (it’s required to absorb/use vit D), headaches, irritability, fatigue, and more. I prefer to use magnesium lotion before bed, which is well absorbed and can help these symptoms. As it helps raise vit D levels over time (if you are also taking vit D), which is a pre-hormone, this can lead to hormonal balance. Magnesium is not well absorbed during pregnancy so you will need a lot more of it if you are pregnant.
Get Vitamin D
The best source of vitamin D is cod liver oil. It is naturally occurring there and balanced with vitamin A (also needed), EPA, DHA, etc. Acne and low immune systems are related to vitamin A and D deficiencies. You need vit. A, D, and the essential fatty acids, so take them all together. Cod liver oil also lowers cortisol levels in the body and is great for baby’s developing brain. I use Green Pastures brand.
Liver Pills
B vitamins are really important to help energy and a whole bunch of other functions. Liver pills are a natural source of B vitamins, plus iron (heme iron, which is more easily absorbed than plant-based non-heme iron), vitamin A, and more. They promote energy and well-being. In fact, if I take too many, my appetite drops and I have trouble sleeping. I usually take 4 per day, but that’s after experimenting to see what felt best (I tried anywhere from 2 – 10 for awhile).
Baby Spacing
How you space your babies is definitely a personal decision. But, if you are struggling with your health, it might be a good idea to space them a bit further apart, 3 – 5 years in between. I have never spaced mine further than 2 years apart and in a way I am paying for it now. I am not sorry I had my babies when I did, but I do hope to wait a bit longer before having more. Ideally, you would wean a baby about 6 months before attempting to get pregnant again, or at least cut back to only a couple nursing sessions a day, in order to let your progesterone levels rebound. Some women are more sensitive to prolactin than others and might need to completely wean; others only need to nurse “less.” It’s up to you to determine what is best for you, but it’s something to consider.
Placenta Encapsulation
When you do have a baby, encapsulate the placenta and take those pills. I did this after my last baby, but did not really take any of the pills. They’ve been hanging out in my fridge for 10 months. The thing is, the placenta is really high in hormones — including progesterone. These hormone levels drop off sharply when the placenta detaches and is birthed. Taking placenta pills helps to step down your hormones slowly, and can help boost milk production, reduce postpartum depression (or even eliminate it), and can help lose the baby weight. I’m starting to take mine, just 1 per day (I don’t need “super” hormone doses now; the stepping down ship has long since sailed!) to see if it helps me rebalance gently. In the future, I will encapsulate immediately and consider this a serious part of the recovery process.
There may be additional tools that you need, depending on your issues. I encourage you to take this quiz, and also to see a doctor for a blood test. Get your vitamin D levels, T3, T4, TSH, iron, blood sugar, cholesterol, and other levels checked. There’s a 24-hour saliva test you can take to check for disturbed cortisol levels (which can also give you a clue if you’re suffering from adrenal fatigue). Taking your temperature upon rising and every 3 hours following for several days (not near ovulation if possible) will give you a good indication of hormonal imbalances too. Take this information to your doctor and/or use it your personal research when deciding what to do.
You Can Overcome This
You can overcome a hormonal imbalance, improve your health, and lose weight. It is definitely possible! I hope that my story (albeit, at the beginning of finding the answers) helps you in some way. I will be sure to update in a couple of months once I have made the changes for awhile — and hopefully my baby will be eating food and breastfeeding less by then! It’s certainly been interesting to have a baby who isn’t interested in food this long.

17 Health Facts To Shed Pounds

17 Health Facts To Shed Pounds
The cabbage, or brassica, family constitutes a large variety of vegetables including green and red cabbage, collards, kohlrabi, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and kale. The word cabbage derives from the word caboche (“head”), from the Picard dialect of Old French.
Green cabbage is the most cultivated and popular variety, more than the red or Savoy types. The red cabbage has been adopted by chefs worldwide as it adds a dash of color to salads and other dishes, while the Savoy is a favorite for slaw and salads. The flavour of cabbage varies as per the type, ranging from savory to gently sweet.
Historical evidence points to the Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations being the first to cultivate and benefit from cabbage’s culinary and medicinal properties. Cabbage was introduced in Europe around 600 B.C. by groups of Celtic wanderers. It were the early German settlers that introduced cabbage and the traditional sauerkraut recipe to the US palette. The most common form of cabbage in the U.S. comes in compact heads of tightly wrapped leaves in white, green or red colors.
17 Health Benefits of Cabbage:
Weight Loss Food
Cabbage is referred to as “smart carb” as it is low in calories and fat and rich in fiber, which inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. A must have on any weight loss diet.
Relieves Constipation
Cabbage is very rich in fiber and its laxative effect makes it effective in stimulating bowel movement, in water retention and maintaining the bulkiness of the food as it moves through the bowels, preventing constipation and other digestion-related problems.
Fresh cabbage juice has been effective in the treatment of ulceration in the digestive tracts, and breast, colon, liver, lung and ovarian cancers. Contains cancer preventative compounds lupeol, sinigrin and sulforaphane that help protect cells from invasion of carcinogens.
Immunity Builder
A compound called histidine in cabbage is found to be useful in treating allergies and regulating the T-cells in our immune systems. Cabbage contains very high levels of antioxidant Vitamin C that fights free radicals thus strengthening the immune system.
Digestive Cleanser
The amino acid- glutamine and high sulphur, chlorine and iodine content, in cabbage juice gently cleanses, detoxifyies, and heals the mucus membranes in the digestive tracts of stomach and peptic ulcers.
Skin Healer
Wrapping cabbage leaves around affected areas of blisters, sores, skin eruptions (as in psoriasis), burns and ulcers, speeds up the healing process. Antioxidant sources, including vitamin-C, anthocyanins, and sulphur, fight free radicals that cause wrinkles, skin discoloration, spots, and many other conditions.
Brain Food
Red cabbage contains Vitamin K, iodine and anthocyanins that improve mental function and concentration, prevent neural degeneration, improving your defense against Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, and keep the endocrinal glands in healthy condition.
Vitamin C and sulphur in cabbage purifies the blood and removes toxins like free radicals and uric acid, root causes of rheumatism, gout, arthritis, renal calculi, skin diseases, and eczema.
Lowers Blood Pressure
Potassium is a vasodilator that helps by opening up and easing the pressure on the blood vessels, improves blood flow, and prevents cardio vascular diseases like heart attack and stroke.
Fights Anemia
Super healing effect of the superior chlorophyll in cabbage is critical for production of blood and maintaining healthy levels of red blood cells preventing anemia.
Cures Headaches
A warm compress made with cabbage leaves can help relieve the pain of a headache. Raw cabbage juice can also heal chronic headaches.
Regulates Blood Sugar
Cabbage has very simple sugars and the natural red pigments of red cabbage (betalains) lowers blood sugar levels and boosts insulin production, preventing diabetes.
Cabbage leaves accumulate cadmium-binding complexes-glutamine, which is a strong anti-inflammatory agent preventing irritation, allergies, joint pain, fever, and various skin disorders.
Eye Health
Cabbage is a rich source of beta-carotene that promotes good eye health, prevents age related macular degeneration and delays the onset of cataracts.
Strengthens Bones
Cabbage is a great source of calcium, magnesium, and potassium, essential minerals for the protection of bones from degradation and the onset of conditions like osteoporosis and arthritis.
Muscle Aches
During cooking, sugars in cabbage get fermented, releasing lactic acid that reduces muscle soreness and aches.
Other Benefits
Cabbage also contains vitamin-E that keeps the skin, eyes and hair healthy. Calcium, magnesium, and potassium found in cabbage are very useful in the treatment of varicose veins, and leg, peptic and duodenal ulcers.
Side Effects
Cabbage contains significant quantities of riffinose, an indigestible sugar and complex carbohydrate that passes through your intestines undigested and can cause flatulence, and other symptoms like belching, abdominal discomfort and bloating.
Eating too much insoluble fiber, present in cabbage, can contribute to symptoms of diarrhea and can also clog your intestines.
Medication Interaction
Cabbage contains high amounts of vitamin K, a vitamin that helps your blood clot, hence it is not recommended to patients on blood-thinning medications.
Iodine deficiency coupled with high consumption of cabbage, competes with iron uptake processes and hence interferes with the production of your thyroid hormone. However, cabbage consumption that is independent of iodine deficiency does not increase your risk of hypothyroidism.

5 Steps to Improved Posture

posture exercisesLong gone are the days when proper posture was taught in schools. Poor posture is more a problem now than ever and our health is taking the fall for our disobedience.

Why is posture so important?

 Believe it or not, bad posture can be the cause for a lot of common ailments and health problems. Aside from the obvious back and shoulder pain, the way you carry yourself can influence your lung function, gastrointestinal regularity and can even deepen feelings of depression. 
The way we stand has a lot to do with our day to day activity. Look around you at any point and you are bound to see at least a few people craning their necks downwards while browsing their smartphones.

Not so smart if you ask me.

Apart from detaching yourself from your mobile device, there are steps you can take not just improve your posture, but effectively reverse the damage you may have done to your neck and back.
Most people associate good posture with a strong back, but the truth is standing straight involves the whole body.
From the soles of your feet, to your knees, hips and all the way up through your stomach, it takes the strength of your entire structure to maintain a tall and healthy stance.

Here are 5 exercises which target all the parts of your body that work together to keep you standing straight. Just a few minutes each day is all it takes to improve your posture.

 You may find that the chronic pain you’ve been battling to soothe disappears after following these simple steps.

1. Hands and Knees

You will want to make sure you’re wearing comfortable, loose fitting clothing so you can have full range of movement for all of these stretches. 
Starting on your hands and knees (creating a table with your body) simply begin to swing your shoulders from side to side. As you will see from the video below, the more movement the better.
The goal is to engage all the muscles in your upper body, and move air into them with increased movement. I like to play music to encourage free movement.
 Do your best to roll your body around in a way that almost feels like a worm wriggling through soil. This will help to realign your spine and restore the ligaments that are often tense from chronic pressure.

2. Upright Planted Balance

Moving slowly and fluidly from your hands and knees, you will want to slowly roll up to a planted standing position. By challenging your balance, you encourage activity in the muscles which otherwise lay dormant.
Keeping your feet planted, swing your arms at your sides to rotate your upper body and twist out a stiff back. Feel free to swing your arms up and down or around in circles to help loosen the connective tissue in your shoulders.

3. Core Strength

With feet still on the ground you can start swinging your body from side to side, lifting your legs as you feel is natural. Be sure to monitor your breathing with deep inhales through your nose and exhales from your mouth.
Keeping your hips stationary, start moving your chest towards the ground in a fluid motion. Moving around you will feel your core muscles engage which is a good indication that you are improving all the muscles needed to maintain a proper posture.

4. Hip Movement

Once you’re ready, feel free to relax the hips and fully engage the upper body. With a soft bend at the knee, swing your hips in a circular motion to awaken tense nerves.

5. Release Hamstrings

The final step will be to release the tension in your hamstrings and engage the entire body. Feel free to tip your head upside down to encourage blood flow and optimized circulation.
Although these steps can help you loosen up and achieve full movement, there is no wrong way when it comes to comfort. Make sure you’re moving at a level that doesn’t cause pain or discomfort.
The idea is to stretch and loosen, not cause more strain!

4 Easy Exercises to Erase Back Pain

back pain reliefChronic back pain can affect even the healthiest of people. Even in my prime, I was often struck with intense and sometimes debilitating back pain.

Whether it is injury related or the result of prolonged stress and strain, nobody wants to be limited by back pain.

Although a large majority of health problems can be prevented with proper diet, the tension and pain of the muscles in the back need the support of daily strength and stretching exercises.
Sure, food can help support the healthy growth of these muscles, but a sedentary lifestyle will only make matters worse.
Here are 4 simple and safe exercises which can be done every day to help erase back pain and prevent further damage:

1. Child’s Pose

For those who practice yoga, you may be familiar with this move. Yoga is a great way to relax tension and relieve the stressors that can trigger muscle spasms. The child’s pose is a great way to stretch out the lower back and calm the nerves supporting your spine.
Start with your knees on the ground and your bum rested on your feet. Stretch slowly up towards the ceiling to start, inhaling deeply in through your nose and exhaling out your mouth as you release your body down towards the ground.
Lower your torso to sit between your thighs, stretching your hands out straight in front of you. Be sure to keep your head down, relaxing the muscles in your neck and shoulders.
Breathe deeply for 3 minutes and repeat for increased strength.

2. Back Crunches

From your child’s pose position, you will want to lay flat on your tummy with your feet and hands splayed out in line with your body. This exercise is less about stretching and more about strengthening the muscles in you back.
Your core strength is vital to supporting your spine and this will tone both your abdominal muscles and lower back. Keeping your neck long, slowly lift both your feet and hands about 5 inches off the ground in unison.
You should feel your lower back engage. Hold for 3 seconds and repeat for 10 repetitions.

3. Half Lunge Stretch

Picking yourself up off the ground, stand with one foot in front of the other and your front knee bent at just under 90 degrees. Slowly push your back knee towards the ground. You should feel a nice stretch through your hip.
Hold this position for 20-30 seconds before switching to the other hip. You may be wondering how a hip stretch will alleviate back pain, but your back pain could be a response to stiffness in your legs and poor posture.

4. Forward Fold

This move is a great transition from the half lunge. Standing with legs shoulder width apart, slowly bend your body forward at your hips. You will need to stick your butt out to support full movement towards the ground.
Once your head is upside down and your hands hanging loose towards the ground, breathe in deeply and press your face towards your knees to feel a full stretch through your back.
Keep in mind that all these exercises are meant for moderate exertion and if at any point you feel pain or severe discomfort, stop the exercise.


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11 Common Habits That Can Damage Your Kidneys

11 Common Habits That Can Damage Your Kidneys
Do you ever think about the things you put into your body? The things you consume and do could have a major effect on your kidneys.
You don’t have to have both kidneys to live a happy and healthy life, but if you want to keep both of your kidneys you might need to change your lifestyle. There are some very common things that a lot of people do and they don’t realize this is damaging their kidneys.
The kidneys are responsible for producing hormones, filtering blood, absorbing mineral, producing urine, and maintaining a healthy acid-alkaline balance. The Chinese view the kidneys as the seat of essential life energy. If you want to keep your kidneys balanced and healthy, try changing these things you do in your life.
1. Smoking: Smoking can lead to atherosclerosis which causes the narrowing and hardening of blood vessels that affects the blood supply to all vital organs, including the kidneys. Two cigarettes a day can double the number of endothelial cells that are present in the blood.
2. Soda: If you drink 2 or more sodas a day that could be connected to a higher risk of kidney disease. People who consumed larger amounts of soda were more likely to have protein in their urine. Protein in the urine is an early sign of kidney damage.
3. Vitamin B6 deficiency: Being deficient in vitamin B6 increases the risk of kidney stones. People should consume at least 1.3 milligrams of vitamin B6 daily.
4. Magnesium deficiency: If the body is deficient in magnesium the calcium in the body doesn’t get properly absorbed and assimilated, which can result in calcium overload and kidney stone formation.
5. No exercise: Postmenopausal women who exercise have a 31 percent lower risk of developing kidney stones.
6. Frequent sleep disruption: Chronic sleep disruption can cause kidney disease because when we sleep the kidney tissues are renewed.
7. Not enough water: The kidneys have to be properly hydrated to perform their daily functions. If there is not enough water in the body, the toxins can start accumulating in the blood. Try drinking at least 12 glasses of water a day.
8. Not emptying your bladder early: Retaining urine in the bladder is a bad idea. If done on a regular basis, it can increase the urine pressure in your kidneys and lead to renal failure.
9. Too much sodium: Over consuming salt can raise the blood pressure and put too much strain on the kidneys. You should consume no more than 5.8 milligrams of salt.
10. Too much caffeine: Caffeine is usually consumed for the energy effects, but it is bad for the kidneys. Caffeine can be found in coffee, sodas, etc. and can raise your blood pressure.
11. Pain-killers: Pretty much everyone has taken a painkiller to relieve a headache, backache, or whatever the cause may be. A lot of painkillers are bad for the kidneys, so think twice before you pop a pill to get rid of a headache.

You’ll Never Eat McDonald’s Again After You Read These Horrifying Facts

You’ll Never Eat McDonald’s Again After You Read These Horrifying Facts
Are you a McDonald’s lover? You may never be hungry for your favorite fast food again after you read this ingredients list…
1.) Prescription Drugs
Anti- depressants as well as other prescription drugs are said to be added to the feed of fast food chickens.
2.) Duck Feathers and Human Hair (L-CYSTEINE)
You thought that duck feathers sounded bad? How about the hair of fellow humans. Two of the most common sources for L-cysteine. A CNN report reported that most Human derived L-Cysteine comes from Chinese women who help support their families by selling their long locks to chemical processing plants.
Processed wood pulp, known as cellulose, is used in everything from shredded cheese to salad dressing, even your daily muffin or strawberry syrup… That strawberry milkshake sound real good right about now right? Cellulose is added to foods to save on costly oil and flour. It helps thicken, and gives fast-food restaurants the ability to boast about how low-fat and full of fiber their foods are.
4.)Dimethylpolysiloxane( What they make silly putty with…mm mm)
It is the additive that keeps the oil in the fryer from foaming. It is also used in silly putty! Enjoy your filet-O-Fish Or French fries.
5.)Carminic Acid(Beetle Juice)
Synthesized by Cochineal beetles, Carminic acid is used to dye foods, especially meats, red.
6.)Sand( Silica Dioxide)
We try to keep sand off most of our food, but our neighborhood fast-food joints want to put it in. It is used as an anti-caking agent, and put in chili.
7.) Soil Fertilizer(Ammonium sulfate)
Sounds like something you cook with right? wrong. It is used as yeast food for bread by most fast-food companies. When it is not being used for our food it does what it is supposed to do; fertilize alkaline soils.
8.) Pink Slime
This is by far the most famous Fast food additive.
“In pink slime, we are looking at a product that is unsavory, but not unsafe — we don’t have any evidence to suggest the ammonia treatment is dangerous,” Klein said. “But the public outcry over this has illustrated a couple things: consumers want to know what’s in their food, and the USDA needs to take a much closer look at labeling — not just of ground beef, but of all labeling.”
No need to do a double take folks , you read correctly;ammonia is in something that you digest on a day to day basis.