Thursday, April 9, 2015

You’ll Never Eat McDonald’s Again After You Read These Horrifying Facts

You’ll Never Eat McDonald’s Again After You Read These Horrifying Facts
Are you a McDonald’s lover? You may never be hungry for your favorite fast food again after you read this ingredients list…
1.) Prescription Drugs
Anti- depressants as well as other prescription drugs are said to be added to the feed of fast food chickens.
2.) Duck Feathers and Human Hair (L-CYSTEINE)
You thought that duck feathers sounded bad? How about the hair of fellow humans. Two of the most common sources for L-cysteine. A CNN report reported that most Human derived L-Cysteine comes from Chinese women who help support their families by selling their long locks to chemical processing plants.
Processed wood pulp, known as cellulose, is used in everything from shredded cheese to salad dressing, even your daily muffin or strawberry syrup… That strawberry milkshake sound real good right about now right? Cellulose is added to foods to save on costly oil and flour. It helps thicken, and gives fast-food restaurants the ability to boast about how low-fat and full of fiber their foods are.
4.)Dimethylpolysiloxane( What they make silly putty with…mm mm)
It is the additive that keeps the oil in the fryer from foaming. It is also used in silly putty! Enjoy your filet-O-Fish Or French fries.
5.)Carminic Acid(Beetle Juice)
Synthesized by Cochineal beetles, Carminic acid is used to dye foods, especially meats, red.
6.)Sand( Silica Dioxide)
We try to keep sand off most of our food, but our neighborhood fast-food joints want to put it in. It is used as an anti-caking agent, and put in chili.
7.) Soil Fertilizer(Ammonium sulfate)
Sounds like something you cook with right? wrong. It is used as yeast food for bread by most fast-food companies. When it is not being used for our food it does what it is supposed to do; fertilize alkaline soils.
8.) Pink Slime
This is by far the most famous Fast food additive.
“In pink slime, we are looking at a product that is unsavory, but not unsafe — we don’t have any evidence to suggest the ammonia treatment is dangerous,” Klein said. “But the public outcry over this has illustrated a couple things: consumers want to know what’s in their food, and the USDA needs to take a much closer look at labeling — not just of ground beef, but of all labeling.”
No need to do a double take folks , you read correctly;ammonia is in something that you digest on a day to day basis.

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