Thursday, April 9, 2015

19 Ways To Clean Your Gadgets With Household Items

19 Ways To Clean Your Gadgets With Household Items
Cleaning is tedious, there’s no doubt about that, and finding ways to clean your gadgets can be downright frustrating. It can be confusing to know what cleaner to use, knowing how to apply that cleaner, or even if you should clean something. A lot of things get overlooked just because we don’t think about it. But there are many gadgets or gadget accessories that we use every day that need a good wipedown every now and then. has gathered some of the best tips to clean your gadgets with everyday household items. If you ever noticed your phone becoming hard to hear, the speaker may need to be cleaned . Clean your phone speakers simply wipe gently with a Q-tip. Q-tips can come in handy when it comes time to clean your earbuds as well. Simply dip the Q-tip into some rubbing alcohol and gently wipe the surfaces of your earbuds. This will break up any wax and kill any germs that are on the surface. There are several other methods for cleaning your earbuds as well including premoistened alcohol towelettes, or damp soapy cloth. Electronics attract dust, so we would certainly be who’ve you to find ways to clean them safely. Use a lint roller on any dust accumulates on the fabric covered speakers. Computer keyboards can get filthy. You can use compressed air or soft bristled make up more paint brushes to get in between the keys, and alcohol soaked Q-tips or baby wipes for the keys. And we all know how dirty and gross the keys can get! You can use dryer fabric softener sheets to clean screens. Just wipe them ever so gently with the dryer sheet! Clean as can be! These are just a few of fantastic ideas on how to clean your gadgets with everyday household items.

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