Friday, April 10, 2015

2 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Dark Neck

Most of the people spent a lot of time on various treatments of their faces, but only few of them take into consideration the treatment of their necks. Even when it comes to washing and hydrating, we always wash only our faces forgetting that we also had to wash the neck.
The results of this low maintenance are the dark unsightly areas, wrinkles and blemishes. But even though you don’t have any of these on your face you should still take care of your neck in order to prevent them. Don’t let the bad looking neck spoil your first impression.
These are only few of the things that you can do to make your neck look good.  If you rub your neck with these natural remedies you will make the skin look beautiful.
-Lemon Juice
The natural bleaching properties of the lemon will make the neck darkness disappear naturally. For the treatment of the neck with lemon you should prepare a mixture with equal amount of water and lemon juice. Every night before going to sleep apply the mixture on the dark neck skin. It is recommended to do this every night for about one month to see the first results.
  • Oats Scrub:
First thing you should do to make your neck look beautiful is to remove the dead cells of the skin. These dead cells are result of carelessness of the skin. So the longer you have not taken care of you neck the more dead cells will be accumulated. Oats is the right choice for removing of the dead cells. Before using it you will have to prepare a mixture of oats and tomato puree. The process of preparation is simple you will only have to grind the oats and add a dash of tomato puree to it. Be careful how you grind the oats because it might lose the exfoliating properties if it`s grinded as fine powder.
Apply this mixture on your neck and leave it like that for about 20 minutes. After this time passes start rubbing your neck with a wet finger. When you finish rinse your neck with cool water. You should repeat this 2-3 times weekly in order to remove the dead cells easier.
You should start doing this if you want to have a beautiful skin on your neck:
  • Wash your neck every time when you wash your face, which means at least once a day.
  • Apply the facial moisture on your neck not only on your face
  • Once a month massage your neck for better blood flow with heat almond oil.
  • Protect your neck from the damage of UV rays. Place a sunscreen ointment always when you are exposed on the sun.
  • Avoid wearing accessory such as steel ornamentation or chains because they can cause neck darkening.
We hope that this article has helped many women to keep their beauty. Smooth and soft neck is definitely part of the woman`s elegance. Feel free to use this mixture because it has no side effects.

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