Friday, April 10, 2015

How To Heal Diarrhea And Salmonella In 5 Hours, And Aastric Ulcer In 7 Days!

- this cure has also been used by Hippocrates in his medical activities
This is the first patented natural remedyand is actually a remedy that has been used by Hippocrates himself in his healing processes:by using a pomegranate peal he treated:
 - Dysentery, diarrhea (and other gastric viruses), inflammation of appendicitis in 5 hours.
 - Salmonellosis – in 5 hours.
 - gastric ulcer – in 7 days.
 - Intestinal disbacteriosis – in 7 days.
Do not throw away the pomegranate peal. Dry it, and keep it in the home pharmacy. This amazing substance helps with every abdominal infections and releases you from every intestinal disorders. True first aid!
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The ratio between the pomegranate peal and the boiling water must be 1:20 to avoid any contraindications(nausea, headaches and vertigoes).

In previously heated cup or glass, put 10-12 grams of pomegranate peal and pour with 200 milliliters of boiled water. Cover the glass with a plate. Let it stand for 25-30 minutes.
You can drink it afterwards. Don’t throw away the peal (do not strain). The treatment has begun. The glass with the potion should be placed right next to the patient.

The preparation of this potion from dried pomegranate peal, is the same for all the listed illnesses. But the consumption is different for every illness.

  1. For 5 hour treatment (dysentery, diarrhea, salmonellosis, typhus, cholera, and acute appendicitis),the potion is consumed like this:

After it cools for 25-30 minutes, half of the potion should be consumed. Do not strain it. Again cover it with a plate. If you feel a relief and you feel better in the next 10 minutes, it means that it’s just a common diarrhea and the treatment is over. You can freely go out, because the diarrhea will be gone.

If there is no improvement in the next 10 minutes, it means that it is either dysentery, typhus, salmonella, severe diarrhea or cholera. It is necessary to stay home and after 3 hours to drink the rest of the potion. The treating process continues in the next 3 hours, and the healing occurs after 5 hours from the beginning of the treatment.

  1. For the 7 days treating (from gastric ulcer, small intestinal ulcer, colitis, intestinal dysbacteriosis) the consumption of the drink goes like this:

After it cools for 25-30 minutes, the potion can be consumed. During a day you should drink half of the (90-100 milliliters) drink in 4 ocasions, in approximately equal portions and approximately equal time intervals, of 20-25 milliliters.
Start in the morning on empty stomach, right after the waking up, and the fourth last dosage, before sleep.

It shouldn’t be consumed every day, but every other day:
1., 3., 5. and 7. day are days for using the potion, and
2., 4., and 6. you don’t drink the potion.

That is enough for full healing. If you want to continue with the treatment, in order to make sure you cure the gastric ulcer, you can do it after a pause of one week.

Remember: You do not strain the potion in the healing process. During the healing period – you must not consume alcohol. The ratio between the pomegranate peal and the water is 1:20. This is important!

The essence of the treatment is in the fact that in the whole gastrointestinal tract all of the pathogenic bacteria is destroyed and the beneficial bacteria remain intact.

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