Friday, April 10, 2015

How To Cleanse The Lymphatic System

Cleaning recipes for the lymphatic organism
Probably forgotten, the lymphatic system is the second circulatory system in the body to which we rarely turn attention to.
Through the thin walls of arterial capillary blood is strained during which fraction of blood plasma with nutrients, oxygen and white blood cells exit. The blood plasma, which is strained through the blood capillaries, floods the cells and tissues and is called tissue fluid.
If we burned ourselves, or if we make a blister in the subcutaneous tissue, tissue fluid is collected. It has a bright yellow color and salty taste, it contains all the substances that the blood plasma and white blood cells have. The tissue fluid gives the cells nutrients and oxygen, and takes unnecessary substances and carbon dioxide out of them. The lymph differs from the blood by not containing red blood cells and platelets.
The lymphatic system consists of lymph vessels, lymph nodes and organs (spleen). Its primary role is:
– The fight against infections in the body,
– Combat infectious bacteria
– Absorbing the excess fluid, fat and waste.
Puffiness of the face after sleeping occurs due to poor lymphatic system. If the lymphatic system is littered with waste ending up in the nodes and the spleen, it can come to swelling and blocking of their function. Due to improper functioning of the lymphatic system, frequent colds and infections can occur.
How to clean and rejuvenate the lymphatic system?
An important factor is certainly the right diet and lifestyle. Under proper diet is implied avoiding processed and industrial products, foods that contain lots of salt, sugar, preservatives and additives. Follow these tips:
– replace the simple carbohydrates with grains and the complex ones with fruit and vegetables.
– Drink plenty of water throughout the day, because only the hydrated body can allow a proper function of the lymphatic system.
– Moderate physical activity, visit the sauna or steam bath, allowing the body to clean out toxins through the sweating.
– Massage, especially in the abdomen and chest can help purifying the lymphatic system.
  1. In a blender place: 1/3 cup of apple acid, 1/3 cup organic honey, 8 cloves of garlic. Blend it for 1 minute to the highest speed. The resulting mixture should stand in the refrigerator, tightly sealed in a glass container. Take two teaspoons every morning along with a glass of water or lemonade, on an empty stomach.
  2. Chop an onion and 2-3 cloves of garlic. Mix three tablespoons of honey and leave the mixture to stand for two weeks in the refrigerator, in a tightly closed jar. Consumes one spoonful a day.
  3. Mix two parts apple cider vinegar and one part organic honey. Consume one teaspoon in water or lemonade.

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