Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How To Reduce A Fever Naturally

The temperature itself is not usually very dangerous. It is normal and healthy action on the body or a sign that our organism fights some infection and our immune system is responding to that.
You can find many medications in the drugstore which will reduce body temperature naturally, causing sweating and thus ejecting toxic substances out of the body.
Here are some tips for reducing high body temperature:
1. When you have a fever the body loses alot of fluids, and thus valuable vitamins and minerals. Because of this large amount of ejected liquids, teas and other hot beverages, as well as many fresh fruits, are the first step towards recovery.
2. Domestic raspberry juice reduces temperature and returns energy to the patient. Cook some raspberries in a little water. Drink this mixture while warm twice a day – in the morning and in the evening.
3. Herbal tea, used for therapeutic sweating, is consisted of 20 grams (4 teaspoons) of chamomile, 20 grams(4 teaspoons) of thyme (which acts antiseptic) and 20 grams (4 teaspoons) of linden, which causes sweating.
Pour boiling water over the mixture (one cup equals 1 teaspoon of herbs). Allow it to stand still for 10 minutes. It is recommendable for you to drink 2 cups of this tea per day.
4. The procedure of washing your body with vinegar has its beneficial effects. Soak a sponge with diluted vinegar and rub your body before bathing. When you are done rubbing yourselves, take a shower with hot water, wrap yourselves in hot towel and go straight to bed.
5. Thyme facilitates breathing. Pour a liter of boiling water over 20 grams(4 teaspoons) of thyme and 1 peeled ( about 30 grams) fresh lemon. After the mixture is cooled down, strain it and drink from it 3 times a day.
– In case of high temperature, as a precaution against flu, you should use the power of garlic.Crush one clove of garlic and add it to the hot soup you are about to eat.
– Checking your body temperature before eating will give you the most precise results. Measure your temperature 2 to 3 times during the day.
– Always consult your doctor before buying drugs for reducing temperature because you can get some of them without prescription which might harm you and your kids.

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