Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How To Naturally Improve Varicose Veins


Varicose veins in legs – Symptoms

People who have never faced this problem think that varicose veins are more or less an esthetic problem that affects women only. It would be good if things were that simple, but unfortunately that is not the case – there are many symptoms and warning signs.
You may experience severe pain, heaviness (especially in the calf muscles), swollen legs, but sometimes there are no visible signs.
The pain is most common in the very beginning when the veins develop extensively. The pain stops over time, when the veins stop swelling. People with this condition feel pain even when they lift their leg, and sometimes they can feel even a burning sensation (in more serious cases).
During the night, people with varicose veins often experience spasms and uncomfortable itching.

Here are some great recipes and tips on how to treat varicose veins:


Horse-chestnuts are an excellent remedy for people who have to struggle with this health condition.
The horse-chestnut extract (the fruits are actually seeds) has beneficial effect on the walls of the veins, it reduces any pain, swelling and heaviness in the legs. Horse-chestnut relieves inflammation, increases the strength and resistance of blood vessels, reduces their permeability, and thus reduces the swelling.
But, keep in mind that you will not solve the problem over night. The horse-chestnut treatment requires consistency, discipline and persistence, and sometimes it takes several months before you see any improvement.
Today you can find different horse-chestnut-based creams, ointments, extracts and gels in almost every pharmacy and supermarket. If you are not able to find a good product, make this natural home remedy for varicose veins:
Take five horse-chestnuts and ground them well. Add the ground chestnuts to a liter of water until you see some foam appearing on the surface. Take the mixture of the heat and wait until it cools. Use the liquid to treat the affected veins.
This therapy is also an excellent prevention for this health condition.


Calendula ointment is an effective natural remedy for varicose veins and phlebitis.
RECIPE: Heat 500 g of unsalted pork fat and add 2 handfuls of finely chopped calendula, and let it boil. Do not forget to stir once in a while. Take the mixture off the heat. Cover and let it stand overnight at room temperature.
The next day you should warm the mixture slightly so you can strain it more easily. Keep the ointment in jars, and store it in a dark and cool place. Gently massage the affected area using this ointment.
NOTE: The best results are obtained when the calendula ointment is combined with the horse-chestnut remedy. First, apply the calendula ointment and after a few minutes (when the skin absorbs the ointment), apply the horse-chestnut remedy.
It is not only an intense treatment – the calendula ointment protects the skin from drying and irritation caused by the alcohol in the horse-chestnut remedy.


Cabbage leaves are the best compress for inflamed veins. Enroll your legs in cabbage leaves, secure them with a bandage and let them act overnight. You should feel some relief at the very beginning of this treatment.
It will reduce any pain, swellings, and itching. Regular treatments will improve the condition over time, and the affected skin shall become bright and gentle again.

Apple cider vinegar as a remedy

Every morning and evening, massage the affected areas with some apple cider vinegar. Also, drink a glass of water and two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar twice a day. The treatment should last for a month.

Soothing Herbal Blends

Add a teaspoon of each ingredient to 1.4 of boiling water. Use finely crushed centaury leaves and flowers, juniper berries, yarrow leaves and flowers, couch grass roots and rhizomes and 4 tablespoons of finely crushed chaste tree leaves, flowers and roots.
Leave the mixture covered for two hours. Let it cool, strain and sweeten with honey if desired. Drink 2dl before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Add a tablespoon of each ingredient to 1.4l of boiling water. Use finely crushed and shredded St John’s wort leaves and flowers, birch leaves, rose hips, agrimony leaves and flowers and 4 tablespoons of finely chopped couch grass, roots and rhizomes.
Leave it covered for 2 hours, strain and sweeten with honey if desired. Drink 2 dL before and after breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Add 10 teaspoons of each ingredient to 4l of hot water. Use finely crushed and shredded cypress cones, nettle leaves, ripe horse-chestnuts, blackberry leaves and hazel tree bark. Cook on low heat for about an hour, but the water should not boil.
Take the pot off the heat and add 10 teaspoons of finely crushed young hazel leaves and oak bark. Cover and leave it for for 2 hours. Strain and put the herbal mixture on a linen cloth. Place the compress on the affected area and leave it for about two hours. Add some of the liquid every 30 minutes.
After two hours put the herbal mixture back to the the strained liquid and use it again. Heat the remedy before you use it again. Rinse after the treatment.
Wash well some fresh walnut leaves, and pat them dry. Cover them with a thin layer of honey. Put the compresses on the affected area. Secure with some clean towels and leave the compresses on for 3 hours. Rinse with lukewarm chamomile tea.


Clean 10 garlic bulbs, and put the whole garlic cloves into a large bowl. Add 1.5 kg of lemons (wash them in hot water, wipe with a clean cloth, peel and cut the fruits into slices).
Pour in 2 liters of water and 2 teaspoons of dried and finely chopped nettle, blackberry and agrimony roots. Cover and cook the mixture for about an hour. Be careful, the liquid should not boil. Let it cool and strain.
Keep the remedy in bottles. If you get more than 1.5l of the liquid, cook until it reduces to the amount needed. Use the syrup for 15 days. During this time you should prepare this syrup for three more times. This drink dissolves the cholesterol in the veins.


  • Take a few showers during the day to strengthen your veins, and alternately use warm and cold water.
  • Whenever you can sit or lie down, take the opportunity to raise your legs.
  • Before you go to bed or when you rest during the day, apply some cream and put on some cold compresses.
  • Mild foot massage is strongly recommended, starting from the foot to the groin. Do not practise this in cases of acute inflammations.
  • Place a folded blanket or a pillow under your legs while you are sleeping. In the morning, before you get up, put on some elastic stockings or wrap your legs with an elastic bandage.

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