Thursday, April 9, 2015

Savory Flower Bread Recipe

Baking something that suits the season can be a challenge. Especially if you don’t want a regular dish or dessert! You’re in luck, because that’s what this Flower Bread is all about! There are other recipes of the kind out there; you might have already seen and made bread, either braided or twisted, with all kind of stuffing. But this one is different. What you see in the pictures is a version of Hungargian Kalács, which is eaten at Easter. A tastier version! Parmesan cheese and garlic mixed into the dough. But that’s not all because the bread is filled with a mixture of spicy horseradish mustard, oregano, red pepper flakes with Parmesan, and also Greek yoghurt, Jarlsberg (grated) and green onions! Follow the recipe on the next website and your taste buds will go crazy.

Savory Flower Bread  ( Printable Recipe)

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