Thursday, April 9, 2015

Rejuvenate Your Skin With This Incredible Ingredient

This miraculous mask will remove bags under your eyes, nurture the skin around your eyes, whiten your skin, and get rid of small wrinkles
This mask, which rejuvenates skin around the eyes, revitalizes skin, reduces dark circles around the eyes, and reduces swelling, fits all skin types. It will remove even small wrinkles because it is so effective. The best part is that it consists of only one ingredient – potato.
In order for your skin to be tightened, soft, elastic, and smooth all you need to do is apply the mask two times a week. The skin around your eyes will be whitened. Potatoes contain an enzyme that is used for skin whitening in cosmetic products. Its preparation is simple and its effects are amazing.
Ingredients needed:
– 2 tablespoon of freshly ground potato
– 2 pieces of gauze
Put one tablespoon of ground potato onto each piece of gauze. Apply the gauzes onto your eyes. You should first put the gauze onto your eyes and then the potato on top.
Let the mask act for 20 minutes before rinsing your eyes using warm water. You can apply this mask two times a week.

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