Thursday, April 9, 2015

No Heart Shaped Pan? No Problem

I made myself sick the other day by eating a whole bag of conversation hearts. They were so delicious that I just couldn’t stop. I love Valentine’s Day and all of the cute candy and cards. I love all the yummy sweets. This heart shaped cake looks adorable and delicious! P.S. Its incredibly easy to make!
I want to make this cake and I’m so glad that I don’t need a heart shaped pan to do it. I definitely don’t have one and unless someone gives me one I’m not going to buy one. You will need a square pan and a round pan to shape your cake like a heart. Simple! Don’t worry about cutting and pieing it back together like a puzzle. It’s only going to take one cut! Brilliant. I ‘heart’ this heart shaped cake!
Another fun cake, perfect for February 14th, is a cake with a heart inside of it.

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