Thursday, April 9, 2015

Natural Room Scents

The lengths people go for achieving uniqueness to their homes is incredible. Challenges nowadays aren’t that of making some bold design concept or an intriguing decoration, but creating an own natural scent for the room. The steps are quite easy in this regard. It only takes a few jars and in no time, you will have a powerful scent centerpiece you can use in your house or gift it away. Here is what you need to do and have:
• a bunch of fruit;
• mason jars;
• water;
• candles;
• a fridge;
Add all of the ingredients you want your centerpiece to include – fruits, herbs, spices – into a Mason jar and fill it with water, leaving some empty space of at least ¾ inches at the top. Do this for as many jars you want to have. Close the lid and place in fridge or freezer for 1 to 2 weeks. Remember to choose freezer-safe jars so they won’t crack or damage.
Once this step is completed, remove the lid and add ribbon, a gift tag or any other embellishment you think gives your centerpieces a nice look. A floating candle on top creates a nice romantic atmosphere, not to mention the scent of apple, cinnamon, or lemon is instantly released into the room. What a delight!

(image via theyummylife)

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