Thursday, April 9, 2015

How To Treat Aphthae In The Mouth On Your Own

Recurrent oral ulcers (recurrent aphthous stomatitis) is one of the most common diseases of the oral mucosa, which occurs in a large part of the population.
Aphthae usually occur in young people between 10 and 19 years of age, and they tend to frequent recurrent during a lifetime. They rarely occur in persons over 45 years of age. Recurrent ulcers’ nature makes them very uncomfortable and hardly bearable due to their unpredictability beginning and intensity.
Commonest aphthae causes are:
- Allergies
- Hematological deficiency
- Disruption of immunity.
In case you have problems with aphthae read bellow and find out what you can do in order to treat them.
1. Baking soda
Baking soda needs to be mixed with water in order to get a thick paste. Apply the paste on to wound and let it act for about 20 minutes, then wash with water.
This treatment is done before meal in order to ease the pain that would cause the food when it touches the aphthae.
Mix two teaspoons of baking soda in a glass of water and rinse your oral cavity after the meal.
This way you will protect your mouth from the spread of bacteria and will also provide more dental hygiene.
2. Onion
Onions have anti-inflammatory properties. Apply some onion juice, which you can get by grinding or mashing the vegetable, on the wound with a clean finger or cotton soaked in the juice. Do this several times a day.
3. Hydrogen peroxide
This chemical has whitening properties but when diluted in water it is used against infections. It is best to use 3% hydrogen for treating aphthaes.
4. Drinking soda
Bicarbonate, which is present in this drink, kills microorganisms. This is why it is used against infections in the mouth. Rinse your mouth with this liquid several times a day.
5. Plum juice
Active ingredients, contained in plums, have been proved to successfully fight in the treatment against infections in the mouth. Make sure you only use only freshly squeezed plum juice.
6. Teabags
Use frozen teabags, which contain tannins, in order to soothe the pain.
7. Basil
Prevention of infection in the mouth can be achieved by chewing basil leaves, or rinsing the mouth with basil tea.
8. Hydrated potassium – aluminum sulfate (potassium alum)
This crystal can be found in pharmacies in powder form. It is mixed with water in order to get a thick paste. Apply it directly onto the wound and let it act for 15 minutes, before you rinse with water. It needs to be applied on every three hours in order to prevent the growth and spread of aphthae.

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