Thursday, April 9, 2015

How To Get Rid Of Your Back Pain In Just 60 Seconds?


These are the directions for the exercise:

1. First, you should sit down in a pose that is comfortable for you. Then close the eyes and relax.
2. Place the tip of your tongue at the back of the teeth of your upper jaw.
3. Start to inhale slowly through the nose with counting to four, then hold your breath until you count to seven  and then exhale through the mouth on eight. You should make noise as you’re feeling relieved when exhaling.
4. You should repeat these 3 more times.

In order to lose your back pain in only 60 seconds, before you go to bed, then you should do these stretching exercise:

1. First, you should lie down on the stomach and support the body with your forearms.
2. Start to lift the upper body in a way so that you’re supporting yourself with the palms. Then, raise the head and stay in that position for eight seconds and after that return to the first position. You should repeat the exercise few times.
3. Lie down on the back, bend the knees and then stretch the arms along your body. After that, lift the torso and stay like that for eight seconds, and after that return to the first position. Do the exercise few times as well.
4. Remain on the back, bend the knees and try to move them close to the chest and then embrace them with your arms. Stay in this position for eight seconds and after that return to your first position. Do this exercise several more times.
You should watch the video to see this one minute super exercise better.
Watch the video on the following link

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