Saturday, April 11, 2015

How To Clean Your Lungs From Nicotine In Only 3 Days!!

How To Clean Your Lungs From Nicotine In Only 3 Days!!!
Do you know how many people (including children!) are killing themselves by smoking cigarettes?! With each day the number of people who are infected with lung cancer is growing.
Don’t wait any longer. Start cleaning your lungs with these methods today!
Cleaning your lungs will allow you to clean this important organ of nicotine, toxins and tar, reduce the risk of having infections and cancer, increase your lungs capacity and improve the overall health of your respiratory system.
Cleaning the lungs is especially recommended to people who are active and passive smokers as well as those who live in areas with polluted air. Read the article below to find out how to clean the lungs in just 3 days in few simple and natural ways!
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2 days before starting this procedure, it is necessary to eliminate all dairy products in your diet. Your body should eliminate all the toxins from dairy products before starting the process of purifying the lungs.
Before the first day of the regime, drink a cup of herbal tea before going to bed. This releases toxins in the intestine that can cause obstipation. The lungs should not be overloaded with heavy work of other parts of your body during the 3-day cleansing.
Squeeze juice of 2 lemons in 300 ml of water before eating your breakfast.
Drink 300 ml grapefruit juice. If you don’t enjoy the flavor of grapefruit juice, you can use pineapple juice instead. The juices from these fruits contain powerful antioxidants that will improve your breathing system. Drink 300 ml of freshly prepared carrot juice between your breakfast and lunch. This juice will alkalize your blood during the 3-day regime. Be sure to drink 400 ml juice rich in potassium while having your lunch. This mineral is a strong tonic which will clean your body. Before going to bed prepare 400 ml of cranberry juice. This juice helps with the fight against bacteria in your lungs which can infect you. It is extremely important to maintain proper hygiene and also do some exercises which will give your immune system a good boost. Having a hot bath for 20 minutes…….
…..Having a hot bath for 20 minutes each day will allow your body to get rid of more toxins through sweating. Pour 5 to 10 drops of eucalyptus oil in a bowl with boiling water. Stand over the bowl and place a clean towel over your head. Inhale the relaxing steam until the liquid is cooled.

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