Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Healthy Superfoods You Should Eat Every Day To Improve Your Health

Healthy, natural and balanced diet is the base of good health and vitality. We have listed various foods your body would most certainly like.
Forest fruit
Forest fruit, including strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, is rich in fiber, vital for normal and healthy digestive system. Raspberries contain the highest amount of fiber, and they also have anti-cancer properties. Blueberries have twice as less fiber as raspberries, but they are rich in anthocyanins and antioxidants which improve memory. Strawberries contain less fiber than any other forest fruit, but they are rich in vitamin C, which has beneficial effect on the skin. Strawberries also help in the weight-loss process.
As a source of high quality protein, eggs can give you more power. A recent study showed that people who eat scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast, feel fuller and eat less for lunch, than those who eat waffles (waffles contain roughly the same number of calories). Even if you carefully choose your food, regarding the cholesterol levels, one egg could easily fit in your daily diet. Egg yolk contains lutein and zeaxanthin – antioxidants that protect eyesight.
Studies provide enough evidence presenting both lutein and zeaxanthin as factors that lower the risk of macular degeneration, the main cause of blindness in people older than 50. Lutein also protects skin from UV rays.
Beans are excellent source of iron, mineral that transfers oxygen from lungs to every cell in the body. Since body cannot absorb the same amount of iron from plant foods, as it can from beef or chicken, combine beans with food rich in vitamin C, which would increase the absorption of iron. Beans are also rich in fiber, that help the regulation of blood cholesterol level.
Nuts are rich in unsaturated fat, beneficial for heart health. Studies of “Seventh-Day Adventists” (religion that gives great importance to healthy living and vegetarian diet) show that people who eat nuts regularly, prolong their life for about 2 and a half years. Walnuts are most probably in the spotlight, mostly because the high level of alpha- linolenic acid which is good for the heart health and also boosts mood.
Just one large orange or a glass of fresh orange juice is an excellent source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for the production of white blood cells and antibodies. It is also a powerful antioxidant which helps and protects cells from radical damage and plays main role in the production of collagen important for skin. Oranges are rich in fiber and folic acid.
Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes are bright orange because they contain alpha and beta-carotene. The body converts these compounds in vitamin A, which helps in maintaining eyesight and bones, and also improves the immune system. A middle-sized potato provides almost four times more than the recommended daily amount of vitamin A, plus several other vitamins, such as vitamin C and B6, potassium, manganese, lutein and zeaxanthin, which makes it one of the healthiest vegetables.
This green power is actually a package of vitamin C, A and K (beneficial for bones), and also folic acid. There is another reason why broccoli is often on the top of the healthy food list – it provides a healthy dose of sulforaphane, a type of isothiocyanate, which is considered to prevent cancer by stimulating the detoxification of body enzymes.
Studies show that by drinking tea regularly, you can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and some cancer types. It protects teeth and gums, and also makes bones stronger. Tea is rich in antioxidants, called flavonoids. It is best when consumed hot and freshly prepared. If you like it ice cold, add some fresh lemon juice. Lemon acid and vitamin C will preserve the flavonoids.
Spinach is full of important nutrients: vitamin A, C and K, and also fiber, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium and vitamin E. It is light, delicious vegetable, and a great source of folic acid, vitamin B (water soluble) which helps the formation of new cells, making it particularly important for pregnant women.
In the 70s of the past century, the Soviet Republic of Georgia had more citizens older than 100, than any other country. Reports from that time claim that the secret of their long life was yoghurt, which was regularly included in their menu. Yoghurt also contains “good bacteria”, helpful in maintaining stomach health. It is also rich in calcium, which helps in preventing osteoporosis. A single glass of yogurt provides almost half of the recommended daily amount of calcium, and it is also rich in phosphorus, potassium, zinc, riboflavin, vitamin B12 and protein.

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