Thursday, April 9, 2015

3 Ways to Improve Your Oral Health

Everywhere you look; there are always tips on how to be healthy. In most cases, though, this information is tailored to your overall health and/or weight and not one thing specifically. While this information is usually great, sometimes having information targeted at one specific topic can be more beneficial.

When it comes to being healthy, eating right and exercise are important, but taking care of your oral health is too. Having good and healthy gums can improve not just your oral health, but can also improve the health of your heart.

Most of us assume we take good care of our teeth and gums, but it’s possible that we’re only doing the bare minimum. If you’re in need of improving your oral health, the following tips will help.

1. Brush your teeth twice a day.
Most people brush their teeth, but it’s very important that you brush at least twice a day to remove all the harmful bacteria and plaque that build up. A good rule of thumb is to brush your teeth once in the morning and once before bed. Adding this into your morning and bedtime routine can ensure you brush regularly and improve your oral health.

While brushing twice is important, you also need to be sure that you’re brushing your teeth correctly. In order to remove plaque from hard-to-reach areas like the gum line, you need to start at the top and push your brush down away from the gum (or up if you’re on your bottom teeth). This gets plaque out of the gum and will improve your oral health significantly. You also need to be sure to get your toothbrush back into those far-back corners too where bacteria and plaque love to hide.

2. Floss and use mouthwash.
Woman with dental floss
Brushing is not the only step in good oral hygiene care. You also need to floss and use mouthwash regularly too. Flossing your teeth will help remove plaque and bacteria from in between teeth where your toothbrush may not be able to reach. Mouthwash will be the cleanup for both brushing and flossing, removing harmful bacteria from the mouth completely.

When you combine brushing with flossing and using mouthwash, you will ensure you have a healthier mouth.

3. See your dentist regularly.
While most of your oral hygiene care will be done at home, you still need to see your dentist on a regular basis. Your dentist will be able to do a thorough cleaning of your teeth, and they will also be able to look for signs of illness or decay.

When you see your dentist regularly, you can address any issues before they turn into serious conditions. For example, you can have a cavity filled before it turns into a dead tooth and you need a root canal (which is more expensive and more painful).

Also, if your dentist notices signs of other serious conditions, such as periodontitis, they can refer you to a periodontist to have it cared for right away.

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