Saturday, April 11, 2015

DIY Indoor S’mores Recipe

DIY Indoor S’mores Recipe


1 cup chocolate chips
8 large marshmallows
graham crackers for dipping

Read more at:

6 Most Common Allergies Of Food

If you aren’t quite sure what might be causing an allergic reaction, take a look at these 6 foods listed below in this article.
  • Eggs
  • Egg allergy is the second most common allergy to food in children, but it is also the one that is often outgrown. Usually people are allergic only to the egg whites – since this is where the protein is – but must avoid eggs completely since the whites and yolks cannot be perfectly separated.
    1. Cow’s milk
    This is the most common allergic reaction in young children. Cow’s milk contains 20 ingredients that can cause allergic reactions, and proteins from cow’s milk are usually the first foreign proteins with which the child comes into contact. Moreover, cow milk contains too much protein and minerals, which burdens the still undeveloped kidneys of the child, and on the other hand, there are too few essential fatty acids, iron, vitamins, selenium and iodine, important for proper growth and development.
    glasses of milk
    1. Wheat

    This Is WHAT HAPPENS To YOUR BODY When You STOP SMOKING! Is It Worth To Quit?

    This Is What Happens With Your Body When You Stop Smoking
    Quitting smoking is not easy at all. It requires strong faith and a huge amount of positivity and enthusiasm. If you want to stop, but you are not strong enough yet, look what happens to your body just 20 minutes after a person stops smoking. Perhaps the following information will help you to quit this harmful habit forever.
    • For twenty minutes, the blood pressure comes down to normal.
    • For eight hours the level of carbon monoxide (which is a poisonous gas) in the blood system reduces by half, while oxygen levels will normalize.
    • In 2 days, the chances of having a heart attack decrease. All nicotine leaves the body and senses of taste and smell normalize.
    • In 2-and-a-half days, the respiratory system becomes relaxed and the energy increases.
    • In 2 weeks the blood circulation increases and it continues to improve over the next ten
    • For three to nine months, heavy breathing, coughing and general problems with the respiratory organs decrease due to increasment of the capacity of the lungs by ten percent.
    • In one year the risk of having a heart attack decreases twice as much.
    • In five years, the risk of suffering a stroke becomes the same as in non-smokers.
    • In ten years, the chance of having lung cancer becomes the same as for non-smokers.
    • In fifteen years a person has an equal risk of suffering a heart attack as well as any other non-smoker.
    What do you think, is it worth to quit smoking? The choice and the consequences of it are yours.
    what-happens-to the body-when-one-stops-smoking


    Do your children love to draw and you would like to stimulate this artistic side of them at home? If your answer is yes, you’re at the right place. Here is a very nice video that will explain to you how to draw your own hand on paper in 3D! This is great!
    The creation of 3D-drawings is no easy task, which requires the artist’s to have mastery of the technique of drawing the shade together with well-developed spatial thinking. However, this simple 3D-drawing of your hand, you can create it yourself, even without having the basic skills of drawing. All you need for this is a piece of paper, a pencil and markers. Follow the instructions shown in this video below, and in a few minutes before you will be a lovely three-dimensional image of your hand.
    If you have kids – be sure to show them this technique too. They will certainly be delighted. Ask them to also experiment with other forms.

    DID YOU KNOW That These Ingredients Found In CHEWING GUMS Can Cause CANCER?

    Chewing gums are used regularly in everyday life.If you are a fan of chewing gums, then you need to know what ingredients they contain!
    Many of the ingredients that are potentially harmful enter directly through the mouth. Also, the ingredients of the chewing gums enter directly into the body, bypassing the digestive system, which normally helps in filtering certain toxins.
    We present you a list of the most common ingredients in the most popular chewing gums you can find in stores.


    Gum Base is a blend of plasticizers, elastomers, resins, and fillers, while some of its components are a mixture of polyvinyl acetate, which is also called a “carpenter’s glue” or “white glue”. Also,
    in chewing gums are made of paraffin wax. Is chewing plastic, rubber and oil is safe? When chewing a gum, these substances are secreted into your body.


    The controversy over this substance is widespread. Aspartame is one of the most poisonous substances that people consume through chewing a gum.
    Aspartame is connected to all major brain diseases including Alzheimer’s disease. It is also considered a primary contributor for many other diseases such as asthma diabetes, obesity, multiple sclerosis, and many others.
    You can see this substance in many of today’s foods sold in stores. In long term it contributes to obesity due to its extreme acidity.
    Aspartame is associated with congenital abnormalities in children, cancer, brain tumors and weight gain. Aspartame is the culprit in more than 75 percent of the negative complaints about food additives, which was announced by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).Most of the complaints are very serious, such as attacks and even death!
    Orbit Gum Double Pack

    Hydrogenated coconut oil and starch

    Hydrogenation is a chemical process by which is increased the shelf life of the product, turning oil into plastic substance. This process also creates trans fats….

    Primary Breast Cancer Causes You’ll Want To Know

    Breast cancer is cancer that develops from breast tissue. Signs of breast cancer may include a lump in the breast, a change in breast shape, dimpling of the skin, fluid coming from the nipple, or a red scaly patch of skin .In those with distant spread of the disease, there may be bone pain, swollen lymph nodes, shortness of breath, or yellow skin.
    In this article are presented the primary breast cancer causes you’ll want to know, because it is crucial to know how to maintain a strategic distance from cancer. Many doctors and researches state that one of the reasons for getting cancer is the use of antiperspirants. They are shutting or obstructing the pores that discharge sweat under our arms. Even more concerning can be that we have a huge need of using all these deodorants and antiperspirants on daily basis, although before there was a conviction that the deodorant is much safer than the antiperspirants.
    There is a strong relationship between the parabens and the breast cancer show the latest studies. This is a really concerning fact, because the parabens are contained in numerous deodorants, and we have mentioned that a life without a deodorant is impossible. There are many cases of women dying from breast cancer and the main reason is what? The high level of parabens contained in her breast tissue.

    How can bras cause breast cancer?

    Similar as the deodorant, the bras are used on a daily basis and most of the women wear bras. How can they cause cancer? Wearing a tight – fitting bra can cut off lymph seepage. By doing this it helps in the advancing process of breast cancer. This makes your lymph weak and it allows the poisons from the deodorant to sediment.
    An investigation made by therapeutic anthropologists Sidney Singer and Soma Grismaijer – creators of Dressed to kill showed that women who do not wear bras are less likely to get breast cancer. This research was done on more than 4000 women.

    11 Home Remedies For Your Varicose Veins

    Varicose veins are veins that have been hurt and became twisted and enlarged. The term varicose veins usually refers to the veins on the leg, but it can also occur elsewhere. Varicose veins are producing a very big pain for the people who are suffering from this and that is why it is not a secret why these people are looking for remedies for varicose veins.
    When you are suffering from varicose veins It means that the blood circulation is not functioning well, and because the blood circulation is hampered, the veins are getting clogged. Surgery is not the only solution for this problem. In the following text we present alternative ways of self-care measures which are considered to be remedies for varicose veins.
    • Chili pepper

    Chili peppers are one of the ingredients which can help you to fight against varicose veins. Chili peppers are helpful because of its compound which can be very helpful in the procedure of healing the clogged veins. Even experts and doctors are suggesting using chili peppers to people who are suffering from varicose veins.
    • Garlic

    Garlic is another ingredient which you can use as an alternative way to heal your varicose veins. Garlic is very helpful, because it can reduce the inflammation which is brought by poor blood circulation. There are many ways how you can use garlic. If you cannot consume it, you can  use it as a cream.

    10 Natural Remedies to Remove Keloids

    A lot of people are not aware of the fact that they have keloids.  A keloid is a scar or a scratch. If you are among the people who are aware of having keloids then you should read about the10 Natural Remedies to Remove Keloids. A keloid scar is benign and not contagious, but sometimes accompanied by severe itchiness, pain, and changes in texture. In severe cases, it can affect movement of skin. Keloid scars are seen 15 times more frequently in highly pigmented ethnic groups than in Caucasians.
    It is also known that the keloids are scars that won’t stop. It rises above the rest of the skin. How do keloids form? They usually show up after an injury or a surgery, but can also appear due to inflammation or spontaneously. Learn about the 10 Natural Remedies to Remove Keloids.

    The top 10 Natural Remedies to Remove Keloids are:

    1. Lemon juice: The main components of the lemon are Vitamin C and antioxidants. These two components have been known for being very helpful in treating various types of scars, including keloids. You should know that the lemons should be fresh in order to make the lemon juice and then apply it to the affected area. Remove the lemon juice 30 minutes after you apply it on the problematic areas.
    1. Mustard oil: Believe it or not, mustard oil is ideal for curing keloids because of its powerful antifungal properties. Apply mustard oil on the problematic areas 3 times a day, every day. See more…
    1. Apple cider vinegar: This remedy can be used to reduce the redness and the size of the scars. First you apply the apple cider vinegar on the areas and then keep massaging until the ACV is fully absorbed by the skin. If you want to do this procedure multiple times, leave the ACV to dry off first and then repeat the procedure. See more…
    1. Garlic: It combats the excessive fibroblast proliferation that leads to keloids. Apply the garlic on the areas, and leave it for 10 minutes, then wash the scar. See more…
    1. Baking soda: Baking soda exfoliates the skin. Make a paste by mixing 3 parts of peroxide andone part of baking soda. Apply the paste directly on the skin if you want to speed up the process and reduce the inflammation.
    1. Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera has been used for many purposes. This time you can use Aloe Vera because it helps with the keloids. Aloe Vera helps heal damaged skin; it reduces the inflammation, and keeps the skin moisturized. Before you put Aloe Vera on the keloids, clean your skin with lukewarm water.
    1. Lavender oil: This amazing oil can rejuvenate your skin. It helps with the scars, it helps with increasing the skin cell turnover and this is how it actually prevents scars from becoming permanent. Apply lavender oil and massage it for several minutes.
    1. Sandalwood and rosewater: Rosewater has been long known for being a natural skin toner. The sandalwood on the other side has been known for its skin regenerating properties. Make a mixture out of these two products and the result should be a thick paste you apply to the problematic area before going to bed. Wash it in the morning with lukewarm water.
    1. Honey: Apply fresh honey to the scar and massage. Honey helps with moisturizing the skin and healing it. Applying fresh honey will help the accumulation of dead skin cells and improve your blood circulation.
    1. Fuller’s earth: This is a mix of one teaspoon of a rose water, one teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of fuller’s earth to make a paste. Apply the mixture and massage gently until the scar becomes soft. Repeat the process right away, but first let the skin to dry off. Leave the mixture for 10-15 minutes, and then wash the area with cold water.

    How To Clean Your Lungs From Nicotine In Only 3 Days!!

    How To Clean Your Lungs From Nicotine In Only 3 Days!!!
    Do you know how many people (including children!) are killing themselves by smoking cigarettes?! With each day the number of people who are infected with lung cancer is growing.
    Don’t wait any longer. Start cleaning your lungs with these methods today!
    Cleaning your lungs will allow you to clean this important organ of nicotine, toxins and tar, reduce the risk of having infections and cancer, increase your lungs capacity and improve the overall health of your respiratory system.
    Cleaning the lungs is especially recommended to people who are active and passive smokers as well as those who live in areas with polluted air. Read the article below to find out how to clean the lungs in just 3 days in few simple and natural ways!
    {adinserter post}
    2 days before starting this procedure, it is necessary to eliminate all dairy products in your diet. Your body should eliminate all the toxins from dairy products before starting the process of purifying the lungs.
    Before the first day of the regime, drink a cup of herbal tea before going to bed. This releases toxins in the intestine that can cause obstipation. The lungs should not be overloaded with heavy work of other parts of your body during the 3-day cleansing.
    Squeeze juice of 2 lemons in 300 ml of water before eating your breakfast.
    Drink 300 ml grapefruit juice. If you don’t enjoy the flavor of grapefruit juice, you can use pineapple juice instead. The juices from these fruits contain powerful antioxidants that will improve your breathing system. Drink 300 ml of freshly prepared carrot juice between your breakfast and lunch. This juice will alkalize your blood during the 3-day regime. Be sure to drink 400 ml juice rich in potassium while having your lunch. This mineral is a strong tonic which will clean your body. Before going to bed prepare 400 ml of cranberry juice. This juice helps with the fight against bacteria in your lungs which can infect you. It is extremely important to maintain proper hygiene and also do some exercises which will give your immune system a good boost. Having a hot bath for 20 minutes…….
    …..Having a hot bath for 20 minutes each day will allow your body to get rid of more toxins through sweating. Pour 5 to 10 drops of eucalyptus oil in a bowl with boiling water. Stand over the bowl and place a clean towel over your head. Inhale the relaxing steam until the liquid is cooled.

    Low-Carb Peanut Butter Cookies

    I merely made these low-carb peanut butter cookies with the list below and its modifications as well as additions. All you need are the following: 3/4 mug splenda, as an alternative of 1 mug, 2 eggs rather of 1 egg, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp cooking powder, 2 tsp sweets totally free smuckers caramel sundae syrup (press container), organic peanut butter (components are merely peanuts and also possibly salt ... absolutely nothing else) as well as 2 tablespoon flax seed. The organic oils from the organic peanut butter and also flax seed offer it that chewiness it requires. Smucker's has an all-natural peanut butter out there also if organic peanut butter is difficult to locate.

    How To Build A Transportable Pontoon Raft Out Of Old Pallets And 55 Gallon Plastic Drums

    Pallets are always advertised, on the web and especially in the DIY community, as an almost miracle solution to any type of project that will improve your interior design and garden or yard decor. Now, we’re about to show you how you can use wood pallets to build your very own pontoon raft! Besides it’s cheaper than a boat, you can get your friends into the whole building process, so all of you could have fun both before and after finishing it.

    In the photo tutorial you will see clearly the raft is being put together, step by step. You start by making the outline with pieces of 2 by 4 wood planks. Then, it’s time for fitting all the pallets together and reinforcing the part for standing afterwards. We should mention that in order to complete this DIY project, you will need a bunch of plastic barrels which provide the buoyancy every pontoon needs. The pontoon is not that hard to make and as easy to disassemble and transport. Follow the tutorial provided and you can get a similar fun result! You can even add a simple tent to provide a well-deserved shade on those sunny days.



    Other repurpose ideas for 55 gallon drums:

    transportable-pontoon-pallet-11source: via imgur


    35 Brilliant Cleaning And Organizing Hacks

    No matter the time of year, whether you are starting to spring clean, or just a giving your place a fall cleaning, there is a need to find methods of cleaning various objects and things throughout every room. These brilliant hacks are simple and easy to do and will make your chore of cleaning so much more simpler. Thanks to for these amazing ideas and hacks to make cleaning a bit easier. Follow the link below to learn more

    35 Brilliant Cleaning And Organizing Hacks


    23 Most Genius Life Hacks That Will Improve Your Home


    5 Effective Ways to Stop Procrastinating Today


    30 Ways To Lose Your Blubber Today


    14 Reasons Why Witch Hazel Should Be In Every Home


    14 Brilliant Ways To Use Tea Tree Oil


    24 Awesome Reasons You Should Be Using Epsom Salt


    9 Surprising Ways To Whiter Teeth

    Having whiter teeth seems to have become a status symbol in this day and age. The advertisements for products that will whiten your teeth, or procedures in a dental office are all over the place. But what are some ideas for whitening your teeth that does not include sitting in a dental chair or using chemicals? Thanks to for these 9 surprising things to do and not do. Follow the link below to learn how to improve your pearly whites.

    9 Surprising Ways To Whiter Teeth


    24 Amazing Beauty Hacks to Help You Look And Feel Great


    17 Excellent Ways To Lose Weight Fast


    How to Make Your Very Own All Organic Natural Cough Drops
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    Nowadays, people are looking for a more natural way of dealing with the everyday ailments such as coughs and colds. Trying their best to avoid the additional chemicals that are added to over the counter brands of cough drops and cough related products, these do it yourself, all natural cough drops will soothe your cough, without the need for unknown chemicals. Thanks to for providing this amazing recipe. Follow the link below to learn more.

    How to Make Your Very Own All Organic Natural Cough Drops


    30 Ways To Improve Your Skin In 30 Days

    In this life, you need to take of your skin. Even though you can work on repairing any damage that has occurred, it is hard to get back to the way it used to be. There are some great ways to help improve your skin using some natural ideas, as well as some medical ones. Try some of these ways to help you improve your skin in 30 days. Thanks to for compiling these great skin treatments. Follow the link below to learn more.

    30 Ways To Improve Your Skin In 30 Days


    Belly fat is one of the biggest health risks a person can have. The fallout from having a huge roll of fat around your waist can help lead to many health related issues, as well as the fact your organs are being impacted by this. The belly fat is linked to high blood pressure, high blood sugar readings, cholesterol issues and much more. Thanks to for supplying these 10 things you must know about belly fat and the issues of obesity and how to turn it around. Follow the link below to learn more.
    10 Top Things You Need To Know About Belly Fat


    8 Ways To Teach Your Kids To Clean Up

    Five Ways to Design Your Outdoor Fire Pits

    5 - 5 Ways to Design Your Outdoor Fire Pits
    Having a group of friends and guests over to have dinner or just chat? You’d get to enjoy even more if you have a fire pit that would provide warmth and give you comfort during the cold nights. If you are planning to entertain a large number of people then a fire pit is the one you should get because persons can gather around it. You can also have abarbecue and not just keep yourself warm during winter.
    Here are outdoor fire pit ideas you can consider before you build one.
    There are endless choices when it comes to the material of a fire pit. Choosing from the various materials can be an intimidating task especially if you don’t know where to start. You can initially think about what kind of atmosphere you want your fire pit to bring. It’s either you want it to be the focal point of your patio or you just want it to be a simpleaccent to the area. Hence, it is important that you know what your different options are.
    The most economical material used as fire pit is painted steel and this is a good start for those who are on a budget. However, this material will only last for a year and it needs to be repainted afterward. For a much more durable material you can choose from stainless steel, copper, cast iron, etc.
    Fire pit seating
    Where you install your fire pit can add design and appeal to it. You can either go for round, fire hearth or angular.
    A round fire pit gives you that classic campfire feel while you gather around it. With this seating people can engage in conversation without having a hard time seeing the other person on the other end. Large round fire pits will let you accommodate more people.  As for fire hearth, it is installed on a wall thus it looks more like a fireplace. Lastly, the angular seating like rectangular or square adds a dimension to your space.
    Portable fire pits
    These fire pits are requiring no or minimal assembly because it is basically factory made. It offers the same functionality which is to contain fire for cooking or for keeping yourselves warm but it comes at a cheaper price and you can reposition it anytime you want. Portable fire pits come in various styles like those made from metallic, free standing with three or four legs and many more.
    Wood burning fire pits
    This is like having your own campfire at home where you enjoy the warmth it gives and the smoky atmosphere. The fire is often placed in a contained bowl and is covered with a screen for protection.
    Propane and gel fueled pits
    Not everyone likes the smoke and smell coming from burning woods and so they opt for gel or propane fueled pits. Gel fueled pits still gives a warm ambiance without the burnt wood smell however it does not emit as much heat as the wood burning fire pit. A gel canister is used or it can be refilled with gel when the fuel is empty.
    Propane fueled fire pits offer convenience for those who like quality flame without having to refill with gel. This has an ignition switch usually found underneath the fire pit together with the propane tank so lighting it no longer is a hassle. You can easily light it with a quick flick of the switch.
    Before you construct or install your fire pits make sure that it will meet your needs. Remember that when not handled properly fire can be very dangerous so always make safety your number one concern. Be mindful of the things you place around the fire. Place furniture or plants at a safe distance from the fire and from stray embers.
    Never leave your fire unattended and always turn it off when not in use. Fire pits may look appealing but if not used properly it could endanger your life and the life of your guest so always be alert when you are using this.

    How to Have a Clean Home EVERY Day

    One of the things I get asked about most is my cleaning schedule and regimen. I love having a clean home, and not just once a week, but every day. I can manage the rest of my life so much better when my house is clean and organized, and there’s something about an orderly home that provides a more calming atmosphere. Everyone is just happier in a clean home, especially me! Over the years as we’ve added more children to our family, it’s be come even more essential, because there are so many more people contributing to the mess and chaos!

    25 Ideas of How to Recycle Plastic Bags on America Recycles Day

    I don’t know if  you are aware of the fact that we are surrounded by products that are made out of recycled plastic bags. Things like shoes, plastic chairs, pipes, pens and a lot more are made out of reused plastic bags. 854 million plastic bags have been recycled last year and the  the world’s largest plastic bag recycling facility, Hilex has 30.000 plastic bags recycling points across US so 90% of the population has access to a nearby one!
    And, another piece of advice for those who don’t have time to reinterpret artistically plastic materials, return your bags back to the grocery store for recycling. Most stores have a container to take these bags back and recycle them for you! Consider no longer accepting plastic bags. The more that you continue to use the bags, the more stores assume you want them. By bringing your own bags with you, and by refusing plastic bags, you send a message that they’re no longer wanted.