Saturday, April 11, 2015

DIY Indoor S’mores Recipe

DIY Indoor S’mores Recipe


1 cup chocolate chips
8 large marshmallows
graham crackers for dipping

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6 Most Common Allergies Of Food

If you aren’t quite sure what might be causing an allergic reaction, take a look at these 6 foods listed below in this article.
  • Eggs
  • Egg allergy is the second most common allergy to food in children, but it is also the one that is often outgrown. Usually people are allergic only to the egg whites – since this is where the protein is – but must avoid eggs completely since the whites and yolks cannot be perfectly separated.
    1. Cow’s milk
    This is the most common allergic reaction in young children. Cow’s milk contains 20 ingredients that can cause allergic reactions, and proteins from cow’s milk are usually the first foreign proteins with which the child comes into contact. Moreover, cow milk contains too much protein and minerals, which burdens the still undeveloped kidneys of the child, and on the other hand, there are too few essential fatty acids, iron, vitamins, selenium and iodine, important for proper growth and development.
    glasses of milk
    1. Wheat

    This Is WHAT HAPPENS To YOUR BODY When You STOP SMOKING! Is It Worth To Quit?

    This Is What Happens With Your Body When You Stop Smoking
    Quitting smoking is not easy at all. It requires strong faith and a huge amount of positivity and enthusiasm. If you want to stop, but you are not strong enough yet, look what happens to your body just 20 minutes after a person stops smoking. Perhaps the following information will help you to quit this harmful habit forever.
    • For twenty minutes, the blood pressure comes down to normal.
    • For eight hours the level of carbon monoxide (which is a poisonous gas) in the blood system reduces by half, while oxygen levels will normalize.
    • In 2 days, the chances of having a heart attack decrease. All nicotine leaves the body and senses of taste and smell normalize.
    • In 2-and-a-half days, the respiratory system becomes relaxed and the energy increases.
    • In 2 weeks the blood circulation increases and it continues to improve over the next ten
    • For three to nine months, heavy breathing, coughing and general problems with the respiratory organs decrease due to increasment of the capacity of the lungs by ten percent.
    • In one year the risk of having a heart attack decreases twice as much.
    • In five years, the risk of suffering a stroke becomes the same as in non-smokers.
    • In ten years, the chance of having lung cancer becomes the same as for non-smokers.
    • In fifteen years a person has an equal risk of suffering a heart attack as well as any other non-smoker.
    What do you think, is it worth to quit smoking? The choice and the consequences of it are yours.
    what-happens-to the body-when-one-stops-smoking